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45. Jon Arrives at School

44. Biff Pouts

43. Sarah's got a new car

42. Father and Son Talk

41. At the Meshida Household

40. The Next Day

39. The Boy Next Door

38. Jon and Karyn talk

37. Roger and Linda

36. Yukio is Confused

35. After dinner chores

34. Makeout Point

33. Sarah Doesn't Like Emotional T

32. Biff's even more confused

31. Jon is Still Puzzled

30. Dinner time

29. Setting the table

28. At the movies

27. Biff and Sarah Go For a Drive

26. Sarah picks up Biff

Subliminal Messaging: Jon Arrives at School

on 2018-09-15 10:40:31

1504 hits, 132 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon quickly finished his breakfast and hurried toward school, getting there early. Something strange was going on, but he wasn't quite sure what.

As he went to his locker, he spotted Allison Wright and Melissa Smith standing there. He almost didn't recognize them with short seemed like short hair was in fashion for everyone lately. And their clothes were...was that the popular look for girls now?

They were talking to a boy he almost didn't recognize without his was Jay Duncan. Jay looked well-groomed, was wearing tight jeans and a colorful shirt...and seemed to be hanging on everything the two girls were saying, occasionally laughing.

"Okay," Jon said. "Now I know something is wrong." Jay was nice, but he was not exactly an extrovert. Maybe it was some sort of experiment.

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