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12. JonFirst

11. Fitting

10. Mall

9. As plain as that one there, on

8. Before we go

7. Jon can be awful sneaky

6. More Karyn?

5. Karyn's Turn

4. A new plot device!

3. The next morning...

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon goes First

on 2015-10-11 06:42:35

941 hits, 79 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Alright! Are you ready?" Jon says as he picks the rock up from his purse.

"I'm ready! Do your worst!"

"Ok. If you are going to be a fat nerdy girl, lets go all the way. I wish that until we were done playing this game, the following changes will happen to Karen. Karen name is now Pentalope. She has TERRIBLE vision and can barely see without her dated giant coke bottle like glasses. Her hair is greasy and yet frizzy. Even if she tried to do something with it, it never looks very good. Her greasy skin causes her to have terrible acne. Because she eats so poorly, her athletic abilities are terrible She gets winded walking up more than one stair. Her appetite for junk food is enormous and she has very low self control for eating. Her fashion sense is terrible. Everything she wears is poorly suited for her body type and just makes her look fatter. Lastly, her voice is high pitched and grating for and while she will retain her original interests internally, she will have a nack of talking about things that the group she is in does not like or will say awkward things."

Small changes started happening to Karens already fat body. Her mousy hair became more stringy and limp, hanging on her shoulders. Giant pimples started spreading over her pudgy face and her glasses got thicker. The small amount of muscle she had dissolved and her body got larger and more soft. Her breasts sagged and were barely held up by the nude old bra she had on. Her posture became more slouched and even her normal breathing seemed a bit more laboured.

"Jon! Thats a bit much isn't it..... Whoa.. that's my voice? Its so annoying", she said as she touched her mouth. "You didn't need to make me so ugly!" she wheezed.

"Pentalope. It is just a game for now", Jon said as he noticed that her previous meal of a small cheeseburger and diet pop had become four extra large burgers, chicken strips and an extra large coke".

"Ugh fine! I can't believe you even changed my name. That's terrible too!" she said as she took a giant bite of her burger, grease dripping down her chin. "I'm so hungry too!".

Jon slid the rock across the table to Pentalope. "My turn".

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