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11. Fitting

10. Mall

9. As plain as that one there, on

8. Before we go

7. Jon can be awful sneaky

6. More Karyn?

5. Karyn's Turn

4. A new plot device!

3. The next morning...

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Making things easier

on 2015-10-11 06:25:02

1052 hits, 90 views, 0 upvotes.

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As Jon and Karen in their new forms walked towards the mall, they talked about how what they should do next.

"Karen. Can you at least wish these shoe to be smaller?" Jon whined as his ankle twisted to the side for the third time, "I can't walk in these things!".

Karen picked up the wishing stone from Jon's purse and said with a smile "I wish that you had no problems with any size of heel since you have been wearing them for years. You walk in them like any slutty teenage does".

Jon's clumsy walking immediately shifted into a more practiced glide. He now swayed his barely covered ass from side to side like she was strutting for some action.

"Come on Karen", Jon yelled. "That's not cool!".

"You can walk in them now...right?", Karen smiled, pushing her glasses up from the bridge of her nose.

Walking into the mall, Jon could feel all eyes on him. Older people looking at him with judgement. Younger girls looking at him with disgust for dressing so trashy. But the worst was how all the guys looked at him. Like he was an easy slut. They didn't even bother to hide it their oogling.

He didn't want to ask Karen to fix the problem because she would probably just mess with him again. He just dealt with the situation until they arrived at the food court. He plopped down at a table, happy to get the weight off his dainty feet. Walking in heels sucks!

Karen went over to get a hamburger from the burger joint and waited in the small line. Jon laughed to himself looking at her. She looked like such a geek. Fat, pear shaped hips made her look even bigger than she was. Her already large faded jeans were filled to capacity by her thick legs. She swayed from one ratty running shoe to the other until the boy at the counter called her up to order. You could tell that he barely wanted to talk to her as he took her order. As she picked up her burger, she lumbered back to the table and sat down.

"Karen. This is fun and all, but i just feel like myself in this foreign body. I can tell you are the same. You seem to be trying to move like a thinner person and even the meal you are eating is what you would normally eat instead of what an obese person would eat. "

"What are you thinking then", asked Karen as she took a small bite of her cheeseburger. "Should we change back?"

"No. If we are going to play with these bodies, lets use the stone to fit more in the role. I'll do you first, then you can do me. That way we wont just wish the most positive part of the persona".

"Great idea!. Lets do it!" Karen says.

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