David, story line characters can't participate in the game, as a matter of fact their only purpose is to give the players someone to interact with. And so to make the game more exciting the player's have the power to manipulate the characters to customize the story line they wish to be in.
When you say manipulate, just what exactly do you mean, I asked starting to worry.
Well it's like this she answered, I can us my MAP to look up the specifics on your character. I see your personality traits are "sexy, funny and smart." I can use my MAP and adjust any of your characteristics. Say for example I was a guy, I could leave you sexy, but by editing your character file I could remove the smart and replace it with dumb, or better yet say I added bimbo.
So you mean even though I'm really a guy you could make me act like some sex crazed bimbo?
Yes David that's exactly what I'm saying, you should probably exit the game and reenter using an avatar setting. That is before someone else figures out that the sexy brunet sitting here can be made into their lap dancer.
Just then I got up from the table and started to leave.
Where are you going, asked Suzie.