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3. Dreze the Wizard... Wait, what

2. Heroes

1. The Drafting Board

Our zero

on 2018-08-29 18:22:47
Episode last modified by Write about now on 2018-08-29 18:25:22

1120 hits, 43 views, 0 upvotes.

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"Master Dreze," a towering gargoyle of white marble uttered in a calm voice, "It is past eleven. You have overslept again."

"Past eleve- WHAT?!" The supposed dread wizard jumped to his feet, hastily pushing aside a Greater Conjured Comforter. "Son of a... Confound it all, Tethras, how do I keep screwing up like this?"

"If I would hazard a guess, I'd say it's because you keep staying up nights trying to transmute dirt to lead, Master Dreze."

"Aw, come on. No need to be formal, Tethras, we're pals! Right?"

Tethras shook his head. "I only speak formally. It is a gargoyle trait."

"Right. So, how's everybody down in Gathelon?"

Tethras sighed. "About that. You may recall that enchanted forge that you sent an Air Elemental to the City of Magecraft to buy?"

"Oh yes, the one with the Etherium Synthesizer! something wrong with it?"

"Well." Tethras said, "It seems you inadvertently sent not an Air Elemental to purchase it, but a Chaos Elemental."

Dreze's eyes widened. "Oh, SHIIII-"

An army of haywire Golems stood outside the gates of Gathelon, with a force of vicious Fire Elementals covering the air above them. They marched, armed and dangerous, toward its gates. And one wizard was frantically trying to turn them off.

"Shut down! Confound it all, shut DOWN!" Dreze frantically cast "Turn Golem Off" repeatedly, while Tethras stoically held an Umbrella of Major Fire Resistance over both their heads. "What's it take to... Tethras, where is that Chaos Elemental now?"

"Allow me to check..." Tethras closed his eyes for a moment. "I sense a force of elemental Chaos in this direction, " Tethras said, as he pointed in an east-ish direction.

"Good work! Now, Scryum Kindafar!" Dreze made up some of these incantations himself. "Aha... Oh. Oh, you gotta be..."

There was the chaos elemental, cackling like a lunatic. It was leading the elementals and golems straight for the castle gate.

And it looked exactly like Dreze.

"Oh, dammit to the Abyss. The King of Dar is going to be LIVID."

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