"Karyn, you're almost late!" The math teacher, Mr. Grustov glared at me like it was a personal insult that I was not late, and thus depriving him of a chance to chew me out. Normally I didn't mind math classes, but this guy made it hard to enjoy them. I just mumbled something apologetic and dashed to my seat. As I dragged out my textbook, I spotted the box with the wishing stone still in my bag. I glanced back at the teacher, really tempted to do... something irreversable.
I sighed and put the thought from my mind. Maybe later I would think of something to do to try to improve things that wouldnt risk accidently doing something bad that I couldn't undo. All thoughts of wishes flew from my mind as Mr. Grustov announced a pop quiz. I groaned along with everyone else.
His stopwatch had just counted up the last of the ten minutes for the quiz as I scribbled in the last answer. "What a way to start the day," I muttered.
Beside me, Mary sniffed. "Tell me about it. The class is just torture," she whispered.
From behind me, Joelle added, "I don't see why we need to take this course any more, why can't we just use calculators?" After a moment she added, "So have you two found any one to go to the party with?"
Mary glanced at me in surprise. "You're going to the party? I didn't think you liked them."
Joelle giggled quietly. "We can always hope she'd stop being so repressed."
I rolled my eyes. "Oh, hush!" I turned my attention back to the class. I liked Mary and Joelle mostly, but we weren't deep friends like I was with Jon. Jon understood me better in some ways than the other two girls did. On the other hand, there were just some things you just couldn't talk to boys about, because they just didn't understand some things.
Sighing, I thought it was a pity that Jon was a guy sometimes. A little warning voice in the back of my head went off, but just then the teacher called on me, and all thoughts of wishes and of Jon flew from my head as I struggled with the sudden question.