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12. They arrive at the camp site

11. The trip begins

10. Friday at School

9. An uneventful week

8. At home that night

7. After the meeting

6. Mrs Diver scolds the girls for

5. They want proof

4. Krista Explains

3. At the Girl Scout meeting

2. Mikey joins the (girl) scouts

1. You Are What You Wish

Mikey the Girl Scout - Arriving at the camp site

on 2018-08-13 23:20:49

2432 hits, 144 views, 2 upvotes.

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It was only an hour before dark when the troop finally arrived at the campsite. It was a nice, quiet area with trees all around. There were a couple of heavy steel campfire rings set in the ground and a few picnic tables. As soon as they got out of the car they could hear the sound of running water indicating that there was a river or stream nearby. All of the girls were about to run off and explore their surroundings when Mrs. Diver called them all together.

"Okay girls. There will be time for exploring tomorrow. Right now we've got to get the tents set up and get dinner started. Michele, Krista, Molly and Daine, I want you to help me with the tents. Vicky and Heather, you'll help Mrs. Reynolds get the kitchen set up and start cooking dinner." There were some mumbles of dissent from the girl who still wanted to explore but no open rebellion.

While they were carrying things and setting up the tents, Mikey was surprised to discover that he wasn't quite as strong as he had been now that he was a girl. It wasn't a huge difference, but it was enough that he noticed.

The tents were all set up and ready for the girls to move into by the time that dinner was finished cooking. Mrs Diver built a campfire in one of the steel rings and the girls all sat around it while they at the hotdogs that Vicky and Heather had helped Mrs. Reynolds prepare.

By the time that they were all done eating it was full dark. Mrs. Diver called for their attention before saying "Okay girls. Tomorrow our camping adventures really begin. But before that we need get a good night's sleep. There are four tents, so that is two people per tent. Krista will share with me and Vicky will share with Mrs. Reynold. The rest of you get to pick your tent mates."

Mikey looked around at the three other girls that were left: Molly, Diane and Heather. He wasn't sure which one he'd rather share a tent with. The decisions was taken out of his hands when Diane spoke up loudly proclaiming "I'm going to share a tent with..."

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