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11. The trip begins

10. Friday at School

9. An uneventful week

8. At home that night

7. After the meeting

6. Mrs Diver scolds the girls for

5. They want proof

4. Krista Explains

3. At the Girl Scout meeting

2. Mikey joins the (girl) scouts

1. You Are What You Wish

Mikey the Girl Scout - The camping trip begins

on 2018-08-13 02:57:11

2556 hits, 152 views, 2 upvotes.

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When the girls turned back they all still knew that he was supposed to be a boy.

"It worked, right?." Molly said.

"Yep." agreed Diane.

Vicky just nodded.

"Great!" Krista said. Just then they heard the bell signalling the end of lunch. "Time to get back to classes. She you all later."

Krista unlocked the bathroom door and the girls all headed off to their afternoon classes.

Mikey hesitated a second after exiting the bathroom. He still had the necklace on but there were too many people around that would see him change if he took it off. Reluctantly, he kept the necklace off and headed to his English class as a girl.

Despite his best efforts, Mikey couldn't get a moment alone for the rest of the school day. Luckily he discovered that he still had the same locker as when he was a boy. He was also lucky that he had his gym class in the morning so he didn't have to try to find the right locker in the girl's locker room.

Soon enough the final bell rang and all of the student filed out. Mikey met up with the rest of his troop in front of the school where Mrs. Diver and Vicky's mom Mrs. Reynolds, Vicky's mom, were waiting with two minivans already packed full of camping supplied.

"Are you girls ready for our camping adventure?" Mrs. Diver said trying to drum up some enthusiasm in the somewhat tired pre-teens. "Alright girls. Get in the vans."

Mikey climbed in the back of Mrs. Diver's minivan along with Diane and Krista took the front passenger seat. Vicky, Molly, and Heather rode with Mrs. Reynolds.

An hour into the drive they stopped for gas and a bathroom break. Though it wasn't the first time he'd been in a girls' bathroom (he'd been in the one at school during lunch), this was the first time that Mikey had ever used the bathroom as a girl outside of his house. He was a little nervous about sitting on a public toilet, but with Mrs Diver in the next stall, he couldn't exactly change back into a boy and pee standing up. With a sigh and a silent prayer that the seat was clean, Mikey sat down to do his business.

With full gas tanks and empty bladders the Girl Scout troop set off once again toward their camping adventure.

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