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9. An uneventful week

8. At home that night

7. After the meeting

6. Mrs Diver scolds the girls for

5. They want proof

4. Krista Explains

3. At the Girl Scout meeting

2. Mikey joins the (girl) scouts

1. You Are What You Wish

Mikey the Girl Scout - An uneventful week

on 2018-08-12 00:50:41

2681 hits, 169 views, 2 upvotes.

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The next morning Mikey was shock to wakefulness when he was in the bathroom standing in front of the toilet and discovered his penis was missing. He suddenly remembered the day before and realized that he was still wearing the magic necklace that had turned him into a girl. He turned and sat down on the toilet and completed his business as a girl. After all: practice makes perfect, right?

When he got back to his room, he took off the necklace before getting dressed for school. There was no way he was going to go to school as a girl even if nobody else would know that he wasn't really a girl. Well, nobody but Krista and Heather he supposed since they had both worn the necklace and been transformed by it.

He reasoned that even if nobody else thought it was weird that he was a girl, there might be things that were different that he wouldn't know like if his locker was in a different location or even where his gym locker might be. No, it was safer to go to school as a boy.

Other than now seeming to be friends with the girls from his new girl scout troop, nothing else seemed to be different despite his multiple gender changes. Not that he could think of any reason why there would be.

That school day passed just like any other, and so did the next, and the next. He would spend some time each night as a girl and even slept as a girl a couple more nights that week.

Soon it was Friday. That night his girl scout troop would be going on their camping trip.

He packed his overnight bag with all of the things that he thought he would need, trusting the magic of the necklace to change all of his boy clothes to girl clothes while he was wearing it. He almost packed the necklace as well but decided it would be better to keep it in his pocket so that he could change into a girl right after school so he would be one when Krista's mom picked them up.

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