Suddenly a shadow loomed over Robin. "I have a body here." A muffled voice said.
Robin felt himself being picked up. "Don't worry Honey." The voice said. "You are going to be fine and back with your boyfriend in no time." The voice seemed to be talking to a girl, not to Robin.
As Robin floated out of the building in the arms of the Fireman, he was vaguely aware that his sweatshirt caught on something and ripped.
"Sorry about that, Honey. I am afraid that your shirt is ripped. We will have something at the ambulance to cover you up. I have a couple of girls your age. I won't let anyone see anything they shouldn't."
Robin's mind was not working completely, yet he was aware that the fire fighter thought he was a girl. 'I can't let him find out I am really a boy with breasts.' Robin thought as tears of shame joined the tears caused by the smoke.
Suddenly they were outside the smoke filled school. "I have a girl here who needs medical." The fire fighter loudly shouted.
'Great. Now everyone will know he thinks I am a girl. Everyone will know I am a boy with breasts. What could be worse?' Robin thought to himself.
"Coming through with an injured girl." The fire fighter announced once again.
Robin was aware that they were passing through a crowd of people. As his mind began to clear some, he realized that the crowd was most likely students and teachers. 'Everyone thinks he is carrying a girl. Everyone thinks I am a girl now.' He thought. 'I just die when they find out I am not a girl.'
Still not thinking clearly, holding tightly to his lucky stone, Robin whispered, "I wish...