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27. Rex gets to know Pearl better

26. Pearl meets Rex

25. a new mate?

24. A new day dawns...

23. A visitor

22. Johniee's day worstens...

21. Vision Clears...

20. Maybe we should find you a job

19. Now...

18. A little trickery

17. Jasmine get's the Sultan's roc

16. Meanwhile, Back in the Harem

15. Jasmine's Plot

14. And the Wizard Says

13. Off to see the Wizard

12. I need MORE!

11. A quick shot

10. Dance on Girl!

9. Harem today gone Tomorrow

8. Kiddee Time?

Hot and Heavy

on 2000-12-17 18:17:36

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As Johniee struggled to dissuade the amorous bull elephant, the Sultan's first, and now only, wife made her way to the courtyard in the company of her entourage. Jarek bowed deeply to the approaching Lady, "Mistress, I am at your disposal, but I fear you endanger yourself here. It is not safe to be in the presence of two amourous titans."

Jasmine, unconcerned, replied, "Do not worry for my sake. I see you have a new addition to your herd. Tell me about her." The others in the entourage did indeed seem worried as the bull's play with the Johniee grew more serious. More concerned was Johniee who pricked up her ears at the sound of a familiar voice. Jasmine! She tried to turn toward the traitress to see her, but was stymied as Rex jumped up behind her. Johniee trumpeted her fear, "Noo..." Rex redoubled his efforts, huffing behind his prize.

"Ahh, um, a delicate moment here, Lady, perhaps you would ..." Jarek was interrupted by Jasmine, "Not at all. I find this quite interesting. I am no stranger to sex." She winked at the Stablemaster, "Their song of love is music to my ears. Now go on."

"Yes, indeed. We were fortunate to find this young, strong cow, umm... with an animal trader... We named her Pearl. The bull, Rex, had entered musth and was, ahem, in need, if you take my meaning. The female seems mature enough, though from her trouble now, this may be her first time being taken by a bull."

"I think not ... and I have a sense about these things." Jasmine smiled as Rex took Johniee from behind, pumping into her as she squealed. Johniee was terrified, but her instincts kept her locked in place, even wriggling toward him as he entered her.

Jarek continued, "They may copulate like this many times before the cow conceives. It is often the case. Barring such moments, they may be easily trained in tandem. When she is pregnant, she will be introduced to the herd. And in the future, a member of the bull's harem.

"It is fitting!" Jasmine was satisfied. Jarek noticed as she brought an object out of her bag and clutched it tightly. "Stablemaster, I wish it be as you just said, that Pearl conceive after enjoying copulation with this bull many many times." Johniee heard Jasmine's words, and felt a shift in her mind as the bull's seed exploded into her. What had Jasmine wished? What happened? It is said elephants never forget. But Pearl could not remember her former name. She was now only Pearl. She could remember her past, that she had been a male human, but not her name. She could also feel shame at her situation as she felt the male withdraw from her, and the hot semen as it dripped down her leathery leg. "Farewell, Stablemaster, I wish you well in your work." Jarek felt strange at her words as the entourage departed."

The trainers were bringing out feed. "Yes, eat!" Jarek address the pair of pachyderms, "Making love is hungry work." Pearl snorted at the words. She was hungry. Both elephants turned to the fodder. "And sloppy..." Jarek stared at the copious amount of elephant cum on Pearl's hindquarters. "Hmmphh!" Pearl snorted in irritation at the comment, flicking her tail at the stablemaster.

"You'd almost think she could understand every word I said!" thought Jarek aloud.

Pearl trumped her assent.

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