"I don't know," said Jonnie. "Like I could be happy. Not that I am happy, that I could be. The stone worked..."
Karyn thought a minute and said "Not the way you wanted to."
"No. Not the way I wanted to. But I think it was trying to tell me something. Trying to tell me that I really could be happy if I wanted to." She glanced out the window. "Just because things are gray and dreary doesn't mean I need to keep it that way. And something else..."
"What is it, Jonnie?"
Jonnie replied, "What I just said... I was wrong. I could tell my family if I want. Mom doesn't have to blame herself. Mikey and Zoe don't have to make fun of me. I don't have to get bullied at school because I turned into a girl. I've got a wishing stone, Karyn. I can tell them and have them stay nice to me as easily as I can change the weather. Or maybe I won't tell them after all. I wish..."
"Hold it, Jonnie!" exclaimed Karyn.
"... that any wishes I make tonight can be reversed by other wishes. Karyn, we're going to sit down here and we're going to design my life as a girl. I'm not going to let things happen at random, and find out that I'm on the cheerleading squad, I've got a boyfriend who I'm getting hot and wild with, and I'm going shopping with Mom for dresses tomorrow." She glanced at the wall. "I don't need that Gackt poster, either."
"I see," said Karyn. "Hmm. Well, here's an idea...."
After much discussion and lots of crumpled sheets of notebook paper, Jon held up a sheet and said, "I wish I knew if wishing for this does what I wanted it to."
"Well, Jonnie?" asked Karyn. "Does it?"
"Yes, it does," replied Jon. "So I wish that my life as a girl would be as I've described it on this paper."
Jonnie and Karyn blinked. Several things in the room shimmered, including the poster, which vanished. Jonnie looked around, satisfied, at least so far....