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8. A girl's life

7. Cee-Jay

6. Confronting Mom

5. 10 Again

4. Further adjustments

3. What's happening to Jon?

2. Mom's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

A girl's life

on 2008-07-01 04:22:26

1527 hits, 65 views, 0 upvotes.

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"What's so bad about being a girl?" asked Karyn.

Cee-Jay thought and then said, "You're trying to trick me. I know how you are."

"Me? Trick you?"

"Yes, you want me to say something bad and then you can talk about how I need to appreciate girls."

"I wouldn't do that..."

"Of course you wouldn't. Look, Karyn, it's not that there's anything wrong with being a girl, but it isn't me. It's like you turning blonde from the first wish, except that being blonde only means people make a few blonde jokes and being a girl means my whole life is different."

"If we made you Jon, you'd turn 10. And we can't do that anyway, since your Mom wished you to be Cee-Jay and 17 and we can't change either one."

"At least I can make my life easier. Hell, at least I can find out about my life. I wish I had a DVD video describing my life, and that it lasts a half hour and appears out of thin air without changing reality."

They blinked as if their eyes were irritated and a disk fell onto Jon's lap. He put it in his player, turned on the TV, and began to play. "My life story, literally," he said.

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