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6. Scott asks why she's a girl no

5. Scott tries to figure out what

4. Now Scott meets Dennis

3. Scots uncle is a bit of a cons

2. Adaptive Adoption

1. The Drafting Board

Adaptive Adoption: Why am I a girl!

on 2018-07-21 15:10:25
Episode last modified by Chompy on 2018-07-21 22:40:21

2223 hits, 158 views, 7 upvotes.

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Scott stared at her father, step-sisters and stepmother, her friend Dennis just behind her as she floating into the lobby of her home just as she was right now. What could she say? This was normal? This was expected?! They didn’t look surprised or shocked or anything like that which seemed to suggest they had done it to her on purpose! What gave them the right to do this!

Scott had thought this might have been an accident or something unexpected. Maybe a weird virus or some other thing weird alien thing- but that was clearly not the case. She had been turned intentionally into-into- a- girl! An alien girl at that just like them! She didn’t even know who to blame. Was this all some kind of joke maybe? A prank on her? Some strange alien sense of humour? She looked wildly for some form of an explanation.

Scott’s father, David, looked just as confused as she was in all this. Naturally Scott’s gaze centred towards Lalaxi. <What is going on Mother!> she said in that odd alien language that was now just.. Normal to her to speak?

Lalaxi was a mix of emotions brimming with a wide smile. Ecstatic, happy but perhaps the most she felt was just the absolute delight at seeing how well her daughter had turned out! She floated towards her like a fish in the ocean.<Oh your hair is the loveliest shade of pink I’ve ever seen!> She smiled running those new curls of hair on her daughter.

Scott shuddered and would have backed away- however she had not quite figured out the process of going backwards and ended up thrusting her legs forwards, right into her mother- which she then took as an embraced hug, wrapping her arms around her.

Lalaxi hugged her firmly and maternally, though Scott was very uneasy of the feeling of- well her body, especially of her new curves.

Zomu seemed to sense her discomfort but gave a little giggle.<Pink certainly suits her.> She started to float to her upside down looking up at her face as Lalaxi let her go still smiling. <You look great sis!>

Scott tried to take a breath. This was not exactly the welcome she expected. They seemed happy for her? <What’s going on! Dad are you in on this!> she pointed at him accusingly.

David looked blankly at his son turned daughter. The Dalxin language was familiar and certainly re recognised being called Dad- though the tone was more than enough. <Daufter?> he ventured using the same word he was told to use when addressing a child in Dalxin. <Zzszz..>

Scott became angered at that but quickly realised she was speaking in the alien language again. She had to concentrate; the words slowly forming with a hint of an accent on her tongue. “Dad- did you have anything to do with this?”

Finally David understood. “No of course no-“

“Yes,” Lalaxi said rather suddenly a confused look towards her husband. “Well he did marry me after all“ she smiled still very delighted. “Our family is as one. You made the vows in the wedding. You held the Calixa to make this so,” she spoke matter of factly describing the orb that gave the incision to reality.

David looked wide eyed. She thought that it was just part of the ceremony. How! “Well undo it!”

Lalaxi gave a little laugh “Oh don’t worry you will get used to it. It’s too late to get ‘cold feet’.”

Scott blinked. “I won’t! I can’t! This is just crazy!”

Zomu then have a look towards the larger human boy that had come in. “Who that?” she asked.

Dennis had been very quiet. Seeing an alien girl showing so much skin was even more difficult to handle then his friend turning into a girl. Given most conversation was in their alien language he wasn’t sure what to say. “I’m-“

Suddenly Zomu floated towards him and outstretched her arms positioning them under his arms. Dennis felt his feet leave the ground as he floated a few inches held somehow by this girl despite the weight he had.

“Oh- wow-” Dennis blushed as he felt her arms around him and her face so close. Her skin was- touching his face! He was so shocked he didn’t even realise he had been carried out the front door….

“This is a family meeting now. Goodbye!” she said as she unceremoniously shut the door

“But- but-“ Dennis blinked. He stared at the impeding door to… well… all that crazy stuff that had to be going on. He felt more than a little bit excluded after that. He was a friend to Scott and was curious about them. He had been helping Scott! Didn’t that count for anything? He was dazzled, absolutely dazzled by the sight of a family of aliens of which his friend had now become one. Their curious hair and the way they floated… when that alien picked him up and touched-

He waited for a bit on the sidewalk anxiously watching the house for a sign. Maybe Scott would make a case for him to stick around? Maybe say how they were friends? Though what exactly was a friend to do in this situation? Scott was with her family and there wasn’t really anything for him to do.. except to just take the hint and go away? He strained to hear what was going on. There were a few odd words that were barely audible but they meant nothing to him, either muffled or foreign. He paced a bit between his car and the house just waiting for some sign; a sheen of sweat building on his bulky body.

5 minutes… 10 minutes… 20 minutes had gone with him waiting. He looked again at the house. What was going on in there! He wished he could be a fly on the wall just to know! Maybe… maybe Scott didn’t want him around after all. He should probably let him- well- her have her space. He took a breath and went back inside his car with a frown. He pursed his lips taking one more look to the house...

“Fine…” He muttered as he put the key into the ignition. “It’s not really anything to do with me.” He did what he could bringing Scott safely here. Maybe he could see her later? He started the car and it spluttered to life. Part of him had hoped it might breakdown and he could… see more of her as an excuse to go back into the house. Though fortune- or misfortune was with him and the car was fine to work. He maneuvered it into the main road feeling more annoyed, the image of his friend turned girl plaguing his mind. It wouldn’t go away.. How light she was, and pretty and..

It was just weird thinking that his friend was a girl now. A hot- pretty girl? Maybe they could do the things they used to do… she was a girl that he knew everything about. Could he even… would she … kiss….

A horn is heard as he realised he drifted into the wrong lane. “Crap!” He shifted just in time his heart pounding in his chest. “Just get home.” Maybe he could ask his mother what he should do.

Finally Dennis was back home. It felt.. Weird to park up again. His heavy set body, pounding against the pavement towards his house. He wasn’t sure why he felt so lost. Fortunately, his mother was there. It was a sight he needed more than anything.

“Dennis!” She hugged her son quickly. “What happened to Scott? Is she okay?” She could sense something was off. “What happened?”

Dennis wasn’t really sure what to say. It wasn’t as if he actually knew much himself about the situation. Obviously he was worried about Scott but it seemed like he wasn’t supposed to? “Well- they said it was a family only thing so.. I had to go.” He looked away a bit.

“Oh.. I’m sorry,” Dennis mother sighed. “Well- I know it is a bit hard but.. It’s not really about you.” She gestured him inside as he took off his coat.

“I know that!” He snapped at her slightly but softened his tone. “I mean- of course I know.” Dennis looked angrily sitting on the couch. “My friend just turned into a girl. I don’t have any friends now!” He was so.. angry now about it. The more he thought about it the angrier and.. sadder he became. “Scott was the only one in school who never picked on me. He was my friend. Even the girls picked on me and.. I didn’t have … any friends. When Scott tried to be friends with me they turned on him too! I… I just wanted us to stay friends even if- well-”

His mother sighed. “People do change. You have your interests, he- well- she has his.. It’s just part of growing up.”

“I didn’t expect him to become a girl though,” Dennis said suddenly feeling very tearful. His mother quickly gave him a pack of tissues. “It’s like he died or something- but still there. I was thrown out just for trying to help! Just because I was ‘only’ a friend. The way I saw it I was giving him more sympathy than anyone else but because I’m nobody to them they kicked me out!”

“Honey, calm down,” Dennis’s mother stroked her son’s hair. “I don’t really know what happened… I saw what you saw. Scott became a girl- maybe its temporary and his alien family can fix it… you might see Scott back to normal in school.”

Dennis blinked at that. Did he.. Want that though? “What if it was.. Permanent?” He found himself blushing at the thought. What would that even be like?

“You could still be friends with her, if it is permanent,” she added. “I’m sure she would like that. Maybe she does need some space to work things out. Being a friend doesn’t mean you are always there.. It just means being there at the right time and knowing you’ll be welcomed,” she said. “Now tell me honestly, would your friend really have kicked you out?”

“Well… no… it was.. Someone else-” he blushed as he thought of that weird alien in her underwear a large blush forming on his face.

“Well… the alien folk have strange manners. Rise above it, and talk to Scott later.” She patted his shoulder. “In the meantime, why don’t you play those games you like so much? Do one of those all nighters or whatever you do.”

“R-really?” Dennis blinked. “I thought you… didn’t want me to…”

“I don’t like you spending so much time on your computer it’s true,” She shook her head. “However… you’ve had a genuinely stressful day. Why not play a bit to get your mind off things. I’ll even cook you a nice dinner.”

Dennis bit his lip, thinking of Scott and the other alien girls. “... to be honest mom.. I don’t really want to play anything today.” He glanced down at his body a quiet loathing came upon him. He didn’t like being fat but.. He did need to eat now, if only to calm down.

It took a good hour for Scott to go through all the emotions she could with her family. She was a bit surprised for Dennis to be ushered away rather dramatically but- maybe it was better. As much as she could try to work out, this was what happened when the Luxai married into other species. She had become in every way possible her new mother’s offspring. She had actually become an alien girl!

“You have to fix this Dad!” She finally managed to say to him getting a moment with her father alone in the kitchen floating above the table.

David looked up and bit his lip. “Look Scott- it’s kinda complicated. I mean- from what I understand there’s no ‘fixing’ this.” He looked a bit unsure on this. On the one hand this was his son but.. On the other hand… alien space woman whom he fell in love with… the two dancing in his head...

“Are you -sure- there’s no fixing this?!” She said. “Look at me! How am I even supposed to go to school like <this!>! She emphasized her body.

David looked somewhat awkwardly. “Lalaxi said there would be some.. adjustments to be made. She thinks you’ll be fine in a few weeks-”

“<FINE?!>” Scott spat.

“Uh-” David tried his best to work out what was being said. Maybe he best learn this language after all. Communicating with his new daughter was becoming really hard. “It’s just.. Okay look- I love your new mother. I don’t.. I can’t really give her up.” He cleared his throat. “She’s out of this world you know.”

“Dad I swear if you make that joke one more time I’ll see just how far I can take you to the moon!” Scott clenched her fists. “So let me get this straight. If it came to a choice between me being a boy again and you with Lalaxi you would choose Lalaxi and keep me like this?”

David was about to respond but was suddenly- and mercifully interrupted by his wife.

“Honey, why are we still arguing?” Lalaxi suddenly floated towards David, kissing him on his forehead, the display of affection made Scott more than a little uneasy now. Sure she had been happy for him but now?!

Lalaxi smiled. “Come to bed honey, it’s getting late.. I’m sure Sacuza will be fine after a bit of rest.”

“Sacuza?” Scott blinked. “What?”

“Oh- It’s the new name we decided for you,” David explained. “I mean- yes I did have a hand in ‘that’. We thought we should find one that you would like. It’s the name of a flower in their world that matches your hair colour and it’s somewhat similar to Sakura. I was going to explain it but-”

“I’m not going to be called Sacuza! <My name is Sacuza!> Wait- what?” She blinked.

<I’m so glad you like the name and declared it with such vigor my daughter!> Lalaxi quickly embraced her child. <I am so lucky to have such a lovely girl. You’ll be a good big sister I just know it.>

“Mmph!” Sacuza felt the hug THAT hug again; that paralyzing maternal hug… ‘just.. Don’t think about it- don’t think-’

“Well- good night Sacuza,” David said quickly as he was lead away by Lalaxi.

<Oh Sacuza, I have also seen what became of your room. I think you will like it.>

<My Room?> Sacuza looked wide eyed at that. <Please No… Please no…> she tried to float up the stairs, still weirded out by it. She had not yet worked out how to not bang into the walls of the house, and started to grip each leg of the banister to pull herself in the general direction.

David watched her go with concern but Lalaxi placed an arm around him. “She will be fine. Maybe learning to move will be a good bonding exercise for her new siblings too.”

Sacuza pushed the door open with her outstretched hands. <What the- where’s my stuff?>

The room looked different. Her computer looked quite different with a small orb on the desk and some kind of holographic display. That was probably something she could classify as ‘neat’ but the rest.. Was awful. Her bed was different, and seemed to be.. On the ceiling? She glanced up at it in confusion, not quite sure what to make of that. Looking inside her wardrobe all her clothes were gone. There were now strange underwears made of an odd silvery material, quite similar to what her sisters wore. Bras and panties, but pretty much anything that would be considered quite..revealing. She blanched at the idea of wearing any of this!

<I don’t believe this- I’m supposed to wear this stuff?!> No way.. No way in hell was she going to! She looked in her drawers and found practically all her items had changed. A small robot toy was gone, replaced by a rotating ballerina music box. She turned the key on it, and was.. surprised by the strange melody. It was not an Earthly melody but something from the alien world.. It seemed inspired by odd tones that felt close to twinkling stars? She closed the box and quickly tried to look for what else had changed.

A lamp had become some kind of floating cube. She tapped her hand on it and something inside seemed to glow, providing illumination. There were no wires and she quickly found the cube would stick to a surface as she might desired. She guessed she should keep it on the roof where her bed was? This was going to get very confusing. Her bed itself didn’t seem to have any covers, it was just a soft surface.

Finally she looked at her curtains. They were pink.. Just like her hair. Indeed there was a creeping hue of pink on just about every surface. A desk had a pink flower that wasn’t there before. Her wallpaper was tinged in feminine colours- this was crazy!

<Your room looks really nice now Big sis,> Lakya said smiling as she wondered in. <Why do you look so sad? Hope you don’t mind me looking?>

Sacuza felt her heart melt a bit at seeing Lakya actually concerned like this. Normally she filled with glee at even the mundane so if -she- of all people was concerned.

<I- I wasn’t expecting this.> She explained.

<Unexpected things are good though,> Lakya said smiling. <I like to sleep on the roof too.> She suddenly launched herself up onto Sacuza’s bed, curling like an upside down cat. <come on, let’s sleep together! Humans call it.. > she tried to think of the word from their primitive television shows.“Slumber party?”

<Uh- Lakya- sis I don’t know. I mean I’m a boy I->

Lakya held out her hands to Sacuza and pulled at her gently, until they were both sort of sitting on the roof. Though her perspective was reversed now Sacuza didn’t feel as comfortable as Lakya probably did, due to the.. Falling sensation of her breasts. This was certainly not something Lakya had to contend with, it was little wonder she was fine being so haphazard with defying gravity.

<Not a boy! You’re my big sister, my even bigger big sister!> she said embracing Sacuza. <Zomu said you might need to learn to fly and Mom said we should help you. It will be fun but-” then she yawned. <Tired.. Let’s sleep now.>

<Uh.. Lakya?> Sacuza blinked and tried to pull away from her- but she seemed to hold her tightly. Oh no- Lakya fell asleep… now there was no getting away from her…

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