The door to the library room opened. "Zoe? What are all of you doing in here?" She saw Jon and asked "Who are you?" She had a look of distaste on her face. Jon didn't much like it.
She walked over to Zoe and said "Zoe, how could you bring someone like him into our house?"
"Excuse me?" Jon said.
"Was I talking to you?" said the woman that used to be Jon's mom, but was now a Goth version of her.
She turned back to her daughter. "You know that I told you I don't want his kind in here."
"I know, Mom. But Jon is different. He's ..."
"He's a freak. They're all freaks. Why can't the rest of the world be like us? Maybe then we'd all be normal."
Normal? But, I'm normal, Jon thought.
"There is a way that you could make that happen," Athena said.
"Athena!" Zoe yelled.
"Hush, Zoe. What are you talking about?"
"Zoe has a magic wishing stone. You can wish whatever you want."
"Is this true, Zoe?"
"Yeah. I used it to bring Jon back." She pointed at Jon.
"Who is he?"
"He's your son, Mom."
"He's my what?" She looked at him and did see some resemblance. Could it be true that she had a son, but had forgotten? She looked back at Zoe and saw her grasping what Athena said was a magic stone. "Give it to me, Zoe."
"No, don't do it. She'll make an even worse wish than you made," Jon complained.
But Zoe gave her mom the stone, anyway.
Her mom held it in her hand and said "I wish ..."