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7. Changing the menu

6. Hit the Button

5. Where is Karyn?

4. Sarah ruins everything

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

New Specials

on 2016-12-21 14:48:56

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Sarah looked over the Honkers menu embedded in the top of her table under layers of lacquer. Obviously the menu wasn't often updated. Towards the bottom she saw a section for special events, like birthdays, large parties, and bachelor parties. The accompanying descriptions mentioned food and a performance to go along with it. Mostly, as in the case of birthdays, this meant several waitresses would sing an embarrassing song to the customer.

"Hmm. Maybe my new restaurant could use a new special or two," Sarah said, pondering ideas. After a moment, she wrote down her idea in her notebook, and then wished it would come true.

Instantly, a new special appeared at the bottom of the menu, entitled "Honk Girl Special".

A sudden idea hit her, and Sarah made another quick wish. She looked up, just as Karyn returned, and quickly slipped the stone back into her pocket. Then she bit her lip, trying not to laugh, as she saw the results of her impulsive wishing.

Karyn put the soda down on the table, and fumbled with her uniform.

"Sarah, I know you want to shake things up, but this new uniform is very...uncomfortable."

I bet it is! Sarah thought. "Well, a little discomfort never killed anyone, and besides you need to make amends to those gentlemen at table 9, remember."

"I remember. What do you want me to do," replied Karyn, still fighting with her modified uniform.

"I was thinking the Honk Girl Special would be appropriate. Of course, I'll be taking it out of your paycheck."

"Honk Girl Special!" Karyn shouted in shock, then blushing as several patrons turned towards her, "Oh, I mean...of course, Sarah. Right away!"

Karyn walked away and toward the back of the restaurant to prepare for her act of attrition.

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