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6. Hit the Button

5. Where is Karyn?

4. Sarah ruins everything

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Buzzing Miss Karyn

on 2016-12-14 22:55:11

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Karyn groaned as her butt-plug jumped to life inside of her, vibrating like mad. The well practiced smile never left her face, but she hurried to find the table that had caused her plug to start up. As she walked between the booths, she could feel the vibrations becoming stronger, telling her she was heading in the right direction. After a few seconds she had followed the plug's insistent buzzing to a booth in a corner of Honkers.

As the blonde girl lifted her finger from the red button in the center of her table, Karyn's plug died down.

"Sarah?" She exclaimed, shocked. As far as she knew her classmate had never visited Honkers, at least not in the six months she had been working.

Sarah looked up from her PDA, now back to showing a map of the town, complete with dozens of red dots, each a person of interest to Sarah.

"Oh, hi Karyn, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a few minutes."

"Yeah, sure I guess."

"You can sit if you want."

"Actually, I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you."

"Suit yourself. Anyway, my father recently won the lottery, and even though my parents have been divorced for years, well let's just say my mother is a very good lawyer and Dad caved. So, Mom got half of his winnings, after taxes naturally, and ten percent went to me."

"I see. Congratulations, was it a lot of money then?"

Sarah smiled again. "Oh, just a few million."

"Oh, again, I guess. But why are you here then, and why are you telling me?"

"Well, that's the interesting part. You see, with inflation what it is these days and all, I've decided to start investing my money. I recently purchased a local business. Honkers, to be specific. As of about an hour ago, I'm your new boss. And I wanted to tell you personally, that there are going to be a few...policy changes around here. Starting right now."

The forced smile left Karyn's face, as she imagined working under the thumb of Sarah McMillan.

"I have noticed how you have been avoiding that table of businessmen over there. Those are paying customers, Ms. Scott and I expect you to give them the same degree of attention you would any other customer. You may be the most buxom employee here, but that doesn't give you any special privileges." Sarah pushed her empty glass toward Karyn. "I want you to get me a refill, diet of course, and when you return I will decide what you are going to do to make amends for your poor attitude."

Karyn walked away with the glass, worry marring her face. She couldn't afford to lose this job, no matter how terrible it would be working for Sarah McMillan.

Sarah waited until Karyn was out of sight, then pulled out the stone and began to ponder her next wish.

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