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12. Biff Heads to Sarah Merlin's H

11. Sarah Becomes Zoe's Goth Siste

10. Trevor Wishes Zoe Had a Sister

9. Zelda Loves Leonard Drullers

8. Zoe Switches Boyfriends With S

7. How the Other Goths Changed

6. Zoe is Sarah's Friend

5. All the Goths at School Aren't

4. Wish chain (alt)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Wish Chain 2: Biff Heads to Sarah Merlin's House

avatar on 2011-07-25 15:23:42

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And as it turned out, perhaps soon, Sarah might not be the only Goth at the school after all. Her boyfriend Biff Meadows, who was a bit of an outcast like her, was quickly getting influenced by her lifestyle. He had already started to wear black clothes and even dyed his hair black. But even so, he still wasn't considered "Goth". Although, that didn't get him any slack in the ridicule department. He was already being teased more often by the likes of the "Stud Trio", just because he wanted to look more like a Goth instead of a meat-for-brains jock. Little did he know, that's exactly what he was only moments earlier, before Trevor made his wish.

He walked up to the Merlin house to meet up with Sarah, but paused when he noticed a car parking in the driveway. The person who got out was none other than "Mr. Hotshot" himself Trevor Blake. What was he doing here? But then it dawned on him. Trevor was dating Sarah's sister Zoe.

Hoping to get in the house before Trevor did, Biff ran the rest of the way up to the front door and rang the doorbell. He certainly wasn't going to let that jerk use this opportunity to beat him up. Not in front of Sarah. Biff loved Sarah. Most people couldn't figure out why. She was a Goth freak. But she was fun and rebellious. She went her own way and didn't give a shit whether or not it was socially allowed. She had this sort of confidence that attracted Biff to her. He wanted to do whatever he could to be the boyfriend she always wanted. And getting beaten up by a football jock was not exactly the best way to make that happen.

Biff rang the doorbell, hoping that someone would open it up before Trevor got there. At the moment, the jock was still near his car, combing his hair. Were all jocks so vain? He apparently hadn't noticed that Biff was there ... yet.

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