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10. Trevor Wishes Zoe Had a Sister

9. Zelda Loves Leonard Drullers

8. Zoe Switches Boyfriends With S

7. How the Other Goths Changed

6. Zoe is Sarah's Friend

5. All the Goths at School Aren't

4. Wish chain (alt)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Wish Chain 2: Trevor Wishes Zoe Had a Sister

avatar on 2011-07-25 14:20:36

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"So where are you taking her, man?" Randy Goodman asked Trevor. In this new reality, they were best friends. The "Stud Trio" most people informally called them. Steve Farber, Randy Goodman, and Trevor Blake. In the previous reality, it was actually Steve and Randy who made it a point to hassle Trevor every chance they got. With his formal gothic look (usually a fishnet shirt and long black leather skirt and boots), he was an obvious target for ridicule. But now, they were all best friends. And none of them had any recollection of that old reality. Or even the one before this one, where Trevor was dating Sarah McMillan.

"Why, thinking of coming along too?" Trevor asked, jokingly. He was currently putting his shirt back on, over his "new" muscular and very tanned chest. He just got done lifting weights. He always wanted to keep fit, to make sure he was hot enough for the ladies. Like Steve and Randy, he was a total stud.

"No," Randy said. "Unless Zoe has a sister."

"I wish she did," Trevor said.

Back at Jon's house, Zoe suddenly had a sister.

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