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9. Zelda Loves Leonard Drullers

8. Zoe Switches Boyfriends With S

7. How the Other Goths Changed

6. Zoe is Sarah's Friend

5. All the Goths at School Aren't

4. Wish chain (alt)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Wish Chain 2: Zelda Loves Leonard Drullers

avatar on 2011-07-25 13:57:53

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Zelda was at the mall arcade with her best friend Leonard Drullers. She totally loved this guy. Not romantically, but more admiringly. She thought she knew every detail about "Star Trek", but she wasn't even close to knowing what Leonard knew. A lot people would see that sort of thing as pointless, but for Zelda and Leonard? It gave them something in common, something to talk about.

"Man, you totally rock at this game, Leonard," Zelda said.

Leonard just smiled proudly. He looked over at his friend and noticed something he had noticed before, but didn't want to admit to himself that it was happening. It was the way Zelda was looking at him.

When the game was over, he turned to her. "Zelda ... um ..."


"Do you like me? I mean ... really, really like me?"

"What, you mean like as a boyfriend?"

"Yeah ... I mean, no. I-I mean ..." he stuttered.

Zelda laughed. "You don't have to worry about it, Leonard."

"I don't?"

"No. We're just friends. We'll always be just friends."

"Oh," Leonard uttered, seeming a little disappointed. And Zelda noticed.

"Wait, you want me to be in love with you?"

"Well, I was hoping that, I mean, since we spend so much time together and so much in common ..."

"Yeah right. I wish I was desperately in love with you," she said, mostly sarcastically. But after she said it, this strange feeling washed over her. It was like she saw Leonard in an entirely new light. She loved this guy. Really loved him. She had it all planned out in her head, how they would get engaged and then married, and then have a big family. Her future was with Leonard and no one else. He was her soul-mate.

"Zelda, are you okay?" Leonard asked, noticing her change in demeanor.

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