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5. Meanwhile, Sarah gets a taste

4. Karyn Korrupted (2)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Meanwhile, Sarah gets a taste for corruption

on 2009-04-18 04:51:09

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Back at her house, Sarah eagerly anticipated school tomorrow, now that she had the wishing rock. It had been so much fun to mess with Karyn, to turn her into a twisted caricature of what she most despised. Sarah couldn't wait to see her hanging out with the crowd she would never have been seen with otherwise.

But, as Sarah laid on her bed and idly tossed the rock, she began to think about all the other students who annoyed her. She imagined turning them into the type of people they hate the most.

There were the intellectual snobs, looking down on the average kids, mocking the jocks (behind their back, of course), snickering at the bimbos.

There were the materialistic snobs, which was basically the crowd Sarah herself hung out with. Although Sarah was friends with them, they often annoyed her, only caring about brand names and how much something cost. It would be interesting to see them poor, wearing second-hand clothes from a Goodwill store.

There were the jocks, who looked down on the nerds, the unathletic, the fat kids.

Hell, there was Jon, who she didn't now all that well, but she realized she had to deal with. Maybe he'd become some extreme right-wing gun-lover and become a good match for Karen. Or, since he always seemed so nice, maybe he'd become a bully who picked on the weaker kids.

Sarah began imaging who all sorts of students would hate to be. With Karen, she had had to do research to find this out, and Sarah realized that although satisfying, this would be too time-consuming for what she had in mind. Plus, she thought about what would happen if somebody did it to her. Would she change race? Become a bimbo? Become a sycophantic beta girl to some pretty cheerleader's alpha female? There were so many types that people despised, which type to turn them into?

As she caught the rock again, she had an epiphany for what her wish should be:

"I wish that whenever I say or think that a student should transform, they will transform into a totally different person and only I will remember who they were originally and will always know who that person was originally when I look at them. They will not transform instantly, though, but only once they think about somebody they do not like, and then they will transform until they are similar to that type of person, only a more stereotypical version of them. Oh, if I want I can have them become their original self, or I could have them transform again into a person their new identity despises."

As the rock grew warm in Sarah's hand, she smiled and began to consider who to transform. Tomorrow was going to be a fun day indeed.

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