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13. Karyn Korrupted : Sunshine For

12. Sunshine is a Slave Now, But S

11. Karyn Korrupted : Sarah caught

10. It's Sarah ... She Returns Kar

9. The Drive to Sarah's House

8. Earlier ... Carol's Conversion

7. Karyn Backs Off and Does It Jo

6. Jon's Answer is "No" ... But H

5. Karyn Korrupted - Can Jon help

4. Karyn Korrupted (2)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn Korrupted : Sunshine Ford lives her life...and tries to make up for her errors

on 2012-10-26 20:07:13

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Sunshine Ford - a simple slave in the service of one of the big car companies, and now legally their property - sat in her blue jumpsuit (with the Ford logo on the back and the left breast, along with her birth name) and mused on the horrors of her life. Well, not so much horrors...because at least she was housed, fed and after her daily 12-hour shift in the Ford plant, she (every slave of a company took that companies name as their new surname, thus was Sushine Skye now Sunshine Ford) was free to socialize with other Fords. She met some nice people, but...everytime she thought about her situation, it depressed her more and more. How did she get to this? She looked at herself in the mirror, seeing that the cheap and fatty foods were making her plump...her once long hair buzzed down to stubble...and she muttered aloud "I wish I knew how things got this bad for me..."

Then...she screamed!

Later, after leaving the Ford clinic with a one-day pass to skip work, she returned to her home in Ford Barracks # 19 of Ford Plant (production-engines) 88, Midwestern District, she was her fault. As she tasted the dank, chemical-laiden air, she KNEW it had been her! She picked up the stone, and KNEW she'd been a spoiled, bitchy cheerleader just a few weeks ago, and that in an effort to ruin the lives of two innocent people, she'd brought all this horror into the world. She'd stollen the stone from some guy and turned a perfectly nice girl into (ugh) Sarah Palin, which had somehow spread to the girls boyfriends mother...then to the whole world! She'd even become a hippie chick, perhaps so her changes would break her heart all the more. She'd done this! She had! could she fix it?

Depressingly, she wished she knew how the stone worked, and found to her horror that she couldn't reverse the changes by just wishing them away. She considered wishing a revolution upon the Americas, but...that would cause far too many deaths. She considered wishing everyone in the world felt like her about the environment, but...the damage was already done, and would take far to long to reverse. She thought...and thought...

"How can I use this wishing stone to fix the world..." she mused aloud "...and make everything as it once was. Heck, can I make it better?"

Then, the lights went out. End of wake-period. In eight hours, everyone would be getting up and marching off to work again. She lay down in the dark, her tiny room her whole world...and thought.

Little did she dream, thet the Ford Company had bugged every room in the barracks, and having heard her talking to herself about "wishing stones" and "fixing the world", the barracks security took action. Gas was pumped into her room, and guards tenderly removed her to the clinic. There she was kept unconcious, as chemicals were pumped into her brain and patriotic messages filled her ears. Over and over the party line of the Republican Manifesto was broadcast into her mind, as well as the glories and pride of being an American Worker and a solid, reliable Ford employee. It was a common treatment for the dissatisfied slaves, and it produced almost uniform results.

The next morning, Sunshine was out of it almost all day, but when she was awake she watched only the official Ford channel - simple shows with patriotic themes and lots of colors - and the day after that...she was back in line at the plant, working on engines and whistling happily. She felt so happy and upbeat, and her supervisor told her she was a model employee. Proud, and smiled and said "Thank you, Sir. I feel really good today." After work, she didn't go off by herself and mope like usual, but instead hung out with the other guys in her Assembly division, talking about the plant and Ford and AMERICA and how much she LOVED being a worker. She drank with them, talked with them, signed up with their Bowling league and basicly became just One-of-the-guys around the plant. She recieved several more treatments, and after each she felt so good. She only socialized with the people in her division, and all the extra work and well as the excersise she was getting in the plant gym AND the increased amount of steroids she was being fed in her food, caused her to slowly grow bigger and more muscular...her arms and legs thick and heavy. All the social drinking drinking gave her a large, solid gut and a big ass. She read only about work, thought only about FORD and what she could do for it, and was just another happy drone working in Ford Plant (production-engines) 88.

The wishing stone? It sat in a box of personal goods in her closet. Not exactly forgotten, but very nearly.

She didn't think about it again, untill the Vice President and her husband came to the Ford Plant 88 on a fact finding tour that was mostly for the press. Sunshine Ford showed up with the rest of the dones, and cheered for Sarah and Jon, but...she'd brought something special.

"Madame Vice President..." said the plant manager "...I'd like to introduce you to someone whose 'Why I should Meet the Vice President' essay was so spot on that she earned her chance to shake your hand. Allow me to introduce...Sunshine Ford."

Sunshine waddled up to the Vice President, and body Sarah Palin and Jon Palin recognised their former foe, without knowing WHY they recognised her. Their memories of their old lives were burried deep...but not entirely gone. Sunshine was a big woman now. A solid, muscle-bound, blubber-wrapped drone with short hair, and plain face and a workers attitude. She rumbled "Ay, how yah doin', you twos? I 'member back before when we wuz all at th' skool, back before alla dis stuff."

Sarah Palin and Jon didn't remember anything this drone was babbling about, but both felt they knew her. Sarah said "I'd like to speak with this drone alone, if I may?"

The plant manager left the room, and Sarah Palin asked "What do you mean, Sunshine?"

Sunshine chuckled, and brought out the wishing stone.

"Youse guys 'member dis? I tooks it, an' I feels realy bad. Sunshines' real loyal t' th' Ford Company, an' she always votes Republican. Real loyal. Workin' hard an' lovin' it. But...dis ain't mine. It b'longs t' Jon. Sorry 'bout dat, Jon. Here's yer stone. I gots'ta gets back t' woik. Real loyal. Double shifts in th' plant dis week, so's we can beats our quota. Real loyal. Luvs bein' a Ford drone. Don' wanna be anythin' else. Real Loyal." she waddled out of the room and back into her perfect life of labor, loyalty and long hours. Her face alight with pride in her place and the knowledge that she'd done her duty as she saw it.

Jon held the stone in his hand, and mumbled aloud "Well, I wish I knew what that was all about?"

And suddenly...he knew...

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