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8. Earlier ... Carol's Conversion

7. Karyn Backs Off and Does It Jo

6. Jon's Answer is "No" ... But H

5. Karyn Korrupted - Can Jon help

4. Karyn Korrupted (2)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn Korrupted: Carol's Conversion

avatar on 2012-10-24 15:36:41

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Earlier ...

Carol Merlin looked up at Jon and hissed, biting each word off as she said them "You ... get ... that ... SHE-NAZI ... out ... of ... my ... house!"

"But ... she's my friend ..." Jon muttered weakly.

Carol turned away and entered the kitchen, slamming the door behind her. "That little fascist bitch! How dare that MONSTER talk to me like that in my own home!" she yelled, then continued her rage for a few more minutes before finally settling down. Then she headed into the family room, sat down and decided to watch TV, and clicked on a rerun of "30 Rock". She loved that show and she needed something funny to get her mind off of who was upstairs.

After settling in, watching a DVD movie, Carol was finally starting to relax. But then she heard noises coming from upstairs and being the type of woman she was (or at least was back in college), she knew what was happening up there. They were having sex. Jon was having sex with that ... that girl. She wanted to go up and say something ... but Jon had his own life to lead. If he wanted to sleep with that crazy Bushie, that was his business.

Then she heard Karyn yelling "Say it! Say it! Palin for President! Palin for President! PALIN FOR PRESIDENT!"

When she heard her son repeating this chant, she decided she'd had enough.
After turning off her movie, she grabbed her purse and went for a drive. She glared at Karyn's gas-guzzling resource hog, saw the "Abortion leaves one Dead and one Wounded!" bumper sticker and had to resist the urge to key the bitch.

Then Carol drove off, wondering how her son could stand that girl, not even realizing that very soon, she'd be just like her.

She was seething. And the more time she drove, the more intense it got, until she finally came to the conclusion that from then on, Karyn would not be welcome in her house. Carol was a very open-minded person and embraced many types of points-of-view, but she hated everything that conservatives stood for. If she ever found out that Jon was hanging out with that bitch, then she'd ground him. And if Karyn ever came back to her house ... well, she was thinking of getting a restraining order. Little bitch.

Sometime later, as Carol continued to drive around the neighborhood in her hybrid car (she was hoping to trade up for an electric car soon ... she was very environmentally-conscious) she felt a weird chill run through her, like it was cold or something suddenly, but it was fairly mild outside. Shaking her head, she continued to drive. As she did, some of her bumper stickers (like "Pro-Obama" and "Pro-Choice") disappeared from her car. But, obviously, this went unnoticed by her.

She stopped at a stoplight, peering forwards at the car in front of her. On the bumper was a bumper sticker stating "I Think, Therefore I'm Liberal". It turned her off for some reason. But why? Wasn't she liberal? She shook her head, feeling weird. Something wasn't right.

The light turned green, but the car in front of her didn't move forward for a moment. A thought flew through her head that scared her. Probably too busy smoking pot, the stinking hippie. Her eyes went wide. Why was she thinking these things?

Finally, the car ahead of her moved along, then headed down another street. But the car didn't leave Carol's mind. She felt an anger towards that driver that she didn't understand. She even had to pull her car over to the side of the road, as her confusing thoughts made it difficult to drive. And that was when she realized, to her shock, that her car was different. It wasn't a hybrid! It was a 100% gasoline-run car! Her head was spinning. What was happening? How was any of this possible?

She looked down at herself and saw that her clothes were different. No! How ... what ...? Her T-shirt and jeans were gone, replaced by a formal black skirt suit and starch white blouse. She even wore low-heeled shoes now, instead of the women's sneakers she was wearing earlier. She grabbed at her blouse, still trying to figure out how her clothes could have changed and that's when she noticed the necklace around her neck. She pulled on it and lifted it up, seeing a cross, like something one of those Christians would wear. Or something like what that Karyn girl would wear. Could ... could that Bush-lover have done something to her? None of this made sense, but something told her that Karyn had something to do with it. She decided then and there to head back home ... and force that girl to return her to normal.

Carol was about to get back on the road, but paused when she realized that her car had changed again. It was an SUV, just like the one that Karyn was driving. She gulped and felt even more afraid then ever. It was really happening. She was turning into a conservative. She was becoming just like Karyn!

Suddenly, she felt fondly towards the girl. She was so glad to know such a young person who had so much on the ball. America needed more young women like her.

She held her breath. No! This country didn't need more people like Karyn, it needed less! Conservatives were choking America, putting a stop to new ideas, free-thinking, the protection of the environment, gay marriages! She didn't know anyone who was gay, but shouldn't it be up to the couple in love to determine if they can get married, and not the government? If the conservatives had it their way, living in America would be like living in a prison. More determined than ever, Carol drove back onto the road and sped home, hoping that there was something left of herself once she got there.

But as she drove, she couldn't help but feel proud driving an American-made gas-guzzling SUV. A small part of her screamed back, saying that this vehicle was destroying the environment and was appalled that she didn't care about that. But the small voice was ignored.

And by the time Carol arrived back home, that voice was practically gone.

Carol got out of her SUV and headed up to her house, smiling at Karyn's vehicle, thinking that the girl had good taste. Entering the house, Carol went straight to the family room and turned on the TV, tuning in to the Fox News Channel.

Sometime later, she heard someone coming downstairs, so she got up to go meet them. She was pleased to see Karyn, who she had a high opinion of. Too bad Jon didn't follow suit. It troubled her that although she tried to raise him right, he still rebelled. But he was a teenager, after all. Although, given the type of person Karyn was, it seemed that it was possible to raise a teenager right, making her wonder exactly what she was doing wrong with Jon. But at least Jon considered Karyn a friend. Perhaps there was hope for her son yet.

Carol smiled warmly at Karyn, then looked at Jon, saying "I'm so glad that you've found a girlfriend with such high moral standing, Jon. This country desperately needs more women like her." Her son just stared at her, which made her feel slightly confused. A very small part of her felt like that stare (of shock maybe?) was justified, but she shook it off.

She said good-bye to Karyn and Jon, then they left and Carol headed back to the family room to get updated by her favorite channel, before heading out to the Christian Youth mixer. The Fox News Channel was the only place she got her news, other than "The Rush Limbaugh Show", which she listened to on the radio religiously. She didn't trust the mainstream media.

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