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7. Karyn Backs Off and Does It Jo

6. Jon's Answer is "No" ... But H

5. Karyn Korrupted - Can Jon help

4. Karyn Korrupted (2)

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn Korrupted: Jon's Mom Turns to the Right

avatar on 2012-10-23 14:10:40

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It looked like Karyn was about to explode, but then she backed off. She turned and looked thoughtful for a moment, looking at Jon out of the corner of her eye occasionally, then finally turned back towards him, saying "Fine, we'll do it your way. But when we get the stone back, I'm using it to punish Sarah."

Jon thought that was fair. "Just as long as you don't kill her."

"Oh don't worry. Killing her isn't what I have in mind," Karyn said, a bit darkly.

With that, they both headed downstairs (leaving the gun stored away at the back of Jon's closet, as Jon insisted - he wanted to make sure Karyn kept her word that she wasn't going to kill Sarah to get the stone back), then into the living room, where he was sure he was going to witness another heated argument between Karyn and his mom (who he had heard had come back from her drive to clear her head sometime recently). But what he saw instead shocked him.

There was his mother, looking completely different. In fact, the way she was dressed, wore her hair, the type of make-up and jewelry she wore ... she looked a lot like Karyn. The way the new Karyn looked.

Jon's mom smiled warmly at Karyn, looking at her in a completely different way than earlier. Then she looked at Jon. "I'm so glad that you've found a girlfriend with such high moral standing, Jon. This country desperately needs more women like her."

Staring at his mom, Jon couldn't believe what he was hearing. Not too long ago, his mom was calling Karyn a She-Nazi, and now ... she was actually on her side! What the hell happened? Did Karyn affect (or infect) her in some way? Or was this more of Sarah's wishing? Whatever was happening, Jon needed to get his mom back to normal, not to mention Karyn.

Walking outside, Jon saw that his mom's hybrid car was gone, replaced by an SUV that looked very similar to the one parked next to it, with similar bumper stickers, like "Pro-Life" and "Anti-Obama". Jon had to find that stone fast and return things to normal!

Meanwhile, Jon's mom (Linda Merlin) was making final preparations to leave the house. She was chaperoning a Christian Youth mixer that the local Republicans were holding down at the church. It was the same mixer that Karyn had been planning to attend and still planned to ... it's just that she had to make a brief stop at Sarah's house first.

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