Athena stood looking at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her all-black outfit seemed boring she really wished that she had worn something with a bit of colour in it. She caught herself before she vocalized this thought. This wasn’t the first time that morning that she had found herself having thoughts like this one. She remembered that for some unknown she had found herself thinking of how dreamy Biff was when she passed him in the corridor earlier. She almost threw up at that one how had she found that man-child in any way attractive?
She was sure that it wasn’t what she and the others had done to get her closer to Jocelynne. It could be that she had shown Zoe just how much control she had over that. No, it couldn’t be that. The bell went for the next lesson, she couldn’t be late not if she wanted Jocelynne to give her a lift back besides he was a good student and would never be late to class.
As soon as she was sure the bathroom was empty Kayla dropped her shroud. There was no way that she would ever have taken on Athena normally. The head of the goths’’ coven was far too powerful to even attempt anything with. Kayla was sure that if she ever found out it was her she would be a dead duck but Athena had given Kayla an opening without knowing.
Whatever they had done had allowed Kayla the chance to twist the spell ever so slightly. It was easy to see that Athena was trying to get close to Jocelynne for some unknown reason. So all she was doing was helping, wasn’t she? It was an accident if Athena was losing her connection to the dark side of life. She would simply blame her spell for it and not her Kayla thought.
Kayla left the bathroom and headed to her next lesson. As she moved along the corridors she smiled to herself, soon she would be the most powerful magic user in the school and there would be no one to stop her. All she had to do was keep out of sight and move her chess pieces into place and everything would be hers.