Sarah saw a form pass by, and glanced over. What's that dork doing here? She can't be on a date or anything...
Neither of them noticed a mist flowing into the restroom at their feet...slowly filling the space around them.
At least not until Sarah headed for the door and tried to open it...and found it was stuck. She turned and saw Kyla right behind her, having finished up as well. "What is it?" Kyla asked.
"The door is locked."
"It can't be locked...the lock is on this side," Kyla said. She tried it. "It's stuck."
"That's what I said," Sarah said. "Is this some kind of prank? Honestly...if some of your loser friends planned this..."
"And locked me inside with you?" Kyla pointed out softly. "That doesn't make sense."
Sarah had to admit she was right. But then who had locked them in and who... She yelped, looking down and seeing the mist filling the room. "What is that?"
"Gas, maybe?" Kyla said, trying to back away, but it was up to their ankles already.
"Someone is trying to gas us?" Sarah said.
No one hated Kyla that much. On the other hand, Kyla was reasonably certain someone might hate Sarah that much. "I don't know!" She said, raising her voice for the first time. It wasn't her nature. She was usually pretty softspoken. "I just don't want to be stuck in here, especially not with you."
"What do you mean, with me? This is the closest you'll ever get to hanging out with the popular kids," Sarah replied. "I mean, you are such a loser you don't even know how much of a loser you are..."
Kyla rolled her eyes at that. Sarah was the most shallow self-centered person she'd ever met. "Honestly, Sarah....I don't..." she suddenly froze as the mist began to coalesce into tendrils, like some kind of transparent monster...
The tendrils shot out into the girl's mouths. It felt like a blast of water flowed into their mouths. When it finally stopped, it left both girls grasping for breath.