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11. The Stone is Missing

10. Jon Who?

9. Roxanne Wakes Up

8. Jon Doesn't Know What To Say

7. Essentially Like Sarah

6. the punishment is a brand new

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Roxanne: The Stone is Missing

on 2016-03-31 03:25:57

2185 hits, 118 views, 0 upvotes.

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Jon...or rather Roxanne felt a wellspring of anger inside herself for what Sarah had done. And...since she couldn't, much as she tried, express it to Sarah, it was coming out in other ways. "I don't care what you do...just stay out of my way, Sarah," she said. "I have to get ready for school. Do you mind?" She said, gesturing at the door.

Sarah returned to her room. Roxanne was acting like...she hated her new older sister. "Oh...that's it...I didn't include myself in the wish," she realized suddenly. She went to where she had hidden the stone and...discovered it wasn't there.

But if it wasn't there, where was it?

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