Tommy was right to fear what his brother Ben would do. That night, Ben snuck into Tommy's room and stole the medallion. Knowing that his brother would snitch on him at the first opportunity, Ben didn't hesitate to take advantage of the situation. He put the medallion in his pocket and went downstairs the next morning so he could give it to his mother before Tommy woke up.
"You're up early." Tommy and Ben's mother, June, was pleasantly surprised she didn't have to shake her son awake to get ready for school. "Do you want me to pour you a bowl of cereal?"
"That would be awesome! Before you do, I want to give you something I found in the playground yesterday. It's a cool looking necklace!"
June was genuinely surprised. "Really? That's so kind honey." She reached out to grab the necklace from Ben when they both felt a shock, causing them to drop the medallion to the floor in surprise. "Huh, must have been some static. Thank you, honey. I'll treasure this."
June walked over to pick up a box of cereal from the pantry when she realized that it was more difficult than usual for her to reach the top shelf. She didn't think anything about it yet but Ben and June were about to find out that today was going to be unlike anything either of them had experienced before.