The medallion was lost in Lisa's room until her friend Marie stumbled upon it several months later.
"What is this thing?" Asked Marie, with the medallion in her hand.
"Some costume jewelry I picked up at a yard sale a few months back. I invited you and Sarah but you were both out with your boyfriends at the time."
"Don't remind me. I can't believe I was with Mark for so long before realizing how much of a tool he is. Can you believe he started dating Caroline less than a week after we stopped dating?"
"I mean, you're the one who broke up with him. I'm not sure what you expected him to do." Lisa was tired of hearing about her friends' boyfriend troubles.
Marie pouted at her. "I expected him to be a little upset. You spend a year with a guy and he moves on in a week? I bet that asshole was eyeing Caroline the entire time we were dating."
Lisa started to tune out the sound of Marie's voice. She laid on her bed, eyes glued to the ceiling in boredom. She occasionally nodded her head and mumbled a few words of sympathy in an attempt to placate Marie until she was able to focus on finding something interesting the two fiends could do together. Ideally, something that didn't involve Marie's constant boy troubles.
"Oooo, I like this blouse? Where did you get it?"
"I don't remember. Macy's?" Lisa turned her head to see Marie holding up a low cut blouse Lisa purchased a year before. She hoped that buying some revealing tops might help her land a hot guy, but her plan wasn't as effective as she hoped.
"You need to remember these things. You're a hot piece of ass. You'll find a guy as soon as you improve your attitude. If I had breasts like yours, I'd wear something like this every day." Marie lifted her hands to her breasts as if to make a point to Lisa, but something felt wrong. Marie pulled back the collar of her shirt in confusion. "I know this is going to make me sound like a psycho, but I think my breasts are growing."
"Yeah, yeah." Lisa was barely listening to Marie. Marie had a habit of humble bragging and Lisa wasn't in the mood to talk about her friend's breasts.
"No, seriously! Like, I'm watching them grow right fucking now! I can see it!"
Marie's concern finally got a rise out of Lisa. She leaned up and looked across the room to see her friend struggling in vain to hold her breasts down as they started to strain the fabric of her already tight shirt. "Woah, what the fuck!" Marie started to panic. Her breasts were progressively becoming too large for her clothes and that wasn't the only abnormal thing she could feel happening to her body. Her pants also seemed like they were becoming tighter and a small sliver of her stomach was now visible that wasn't before. She was slowly growing taller.
"Your hair" exclaimed Lisa! Marie's dark brown hair started to progressively brighten until it looked dirty blonde, just like Lisa's hair. "That's so weird. You kind of look like me now."
Marie dropped the top and ran to Lisa's mirror to watch the changes continue.
"Ow. Shit!" Lisa was walking over to join Marie when she accidentally stubbed her toe on something on the floor. She leaned over to find the medallion laying underneath the hoodie Marie wore when she walked over to Lisa's house. The medallion must have fallen out of Marie's hand and landed on her hoodie when she first noticed the changes in her body.