The IT person pulled up the two affected records. "So, I mixed up the records of two identical twins..." he muttered. "That's an honest mistake. I can fix that." Little did he know he was making the problem worse. He applied his fix and restarted the system. This effectively made the problem worse. It had started with some misentered data on migration, which was understandable. Sarah and Karyn were exactly the same height and proportions in an amazing 'coincidence'. They also had the same hairstyle and length.
Meanwhile, Sarah and Jennifer Taylor were heading toward their own ID pickup when this was all happening. The restart happened and the system began a self-check to discover it had duplicate information...two sets of Taylor twins. The system ran functions to repair the corruption. Unfortunately, that was the code that had just been added, and was only meant to fix what one man thought was a one time problem was. He didn't realize he'd introduced an even more serious bug into the system. It effectively meant whenever two people had the same ID number, it would assign them a new one out of the as yet unclaimed IDs, which would leave another ID number doubled up. That would create more people who had the same number. Fortunately, some of the denizens of the school had already gotten their IDs at this point, but the others...
Sarah and her sister Jennifer were very different, despite being twins. Jennifer was into band and drama, and was much more outgoing. Sarah, by comparison, was focused on her schoolwork most of the time and even dressed like she was already trying to get the job she wanted out of college. The two loved each other though, and didn't least not most of the time. Neither of them particularly minded having an identical twin...except for rare occasions when boys seemed to think it was a challenge to pursue both of them...which was a mistake as they also had totally different tastes there as well.
"Hey," Jennifer said to her sister. It wasn't surprising that they'd meet up. They had ID numbers one off from each other, and the same birthdate. They were quickly ushered to the kiosks and entered their information. The waiting prompt came up, then the confirmation screen came up. "What the..." both of them said. Jennifer could hear her sister over the divider between kiosks. "What do you mean, update or confirm? That's all wrong. Update..." Then quiet.
Jennifer looked back at her own screen. That was her picture, but the rest of the details were all wrong. She hit update and felt disoriented for a moment. She grabbed the ID and stepped out of the kiosk.