“This challenge will be won by the true sister as she will be the one holding the most graceful pose. The soft body can not be as graceful as a true member of the sisterhood.” Celeste informed the group in front of her.
This was a challenge that Dalia had been hoping would be chosen as it was one she could lose without a worry especially considering how the former Human was now acting. Not long till she accepts her place within the sisterhood and I gain the place she vacates in the human world she thought as she walked back to the spot she had been using to gather her thoughts in. In reality, it was the place where she spoke to her outside support. The human who was helping, guiding her through the Rite of Exchange. The same rite that this friend had gone through herself when she had been one of the unchanging.
She needed outside support. Her friend had explained to her that there were other downsides to being one of the unchanging. It was so easy for them to become mixed up. Like not remembering the last time there had been a Rite of Exchange. They could not retain that any more than they could return the word. Dalia needed the calls not just for the advice, but to ensure she did not forget what she was trying to accomplish, which had gotten her to this point. As time passed, it was becoming easier to hold on to more and more things...the strange ideas flooding into her head.
The unchanging were more innocent than humans...she was starting to understand how easy it was to plant thoughts in their minds. And at the same time, she was growing beyond that. There was a time when Dalia believed her purpose was to look good for the soft bodies...but she'd been awakened to the truth. So, the newest sister should win the Challenge of Gracefulness. It involved the skill she would be honing for the rest of her existence, the one she would be welcome to.
Meanwhile, Carly's head was spinning. This was going to be easy. She had been posing until the orange light went away. It was easy enough.
"Newest sister...you may go first..." Celeste informed her.
Carly returned to her pedestal and posed. She could sense the others watching her. This went on for several minutes.
"Enough," Dalia said. "I concede this one to her. She is the most graceful." She turned to Carly. "I congratulate you."
Carly felt an odd sense of satisfaction. She had beat Dalia and proven herself the superior Sister...Wait...had Dalia just tricked her somehow?