Sarah knocked. "It's me...can I come in?" She asked.
The door opened, revealing Biff, looking like a younger version of how Sarah looked at the moment. Sarah felt a certain level of pride looking at him. she didn't give it much thought at what the feelings were. "I heard you and Moll had a bit of a fight."
"Things were going so well...he was telling me how hot I was...and then he was ignoring me to play with that kid..." Biff complained. "I mean...look at me..."
"Do you want someone who only thinks about you and never anything else?" Sarah asked. "I mean...that doesn't also have their own life?"
Biff paused. "No, but..."
"Do you two actually have anything in common?" Sarah asked. "I mean...what does Moll actually like and dislike?"
Biff paused. "She likes..." Biff trailed off, not having an answer.
"I think maybe you might want to start with whether this is a relationship or just a hookup." Sarah said. "I mean, you won't get any judgment from me either way, but you really should agree on which one it is...otherwise it could get messy. Especially the longer Moll stays here."
Biff nodded. He was really attracted to Mollie and vice versa, but why did it feel like it was more than that? It had only been that one time they'd been together.
" deserve someone who is perfect for you in every way, not just some ways," Sarah said. "Right?"
Biff thought about it. He did deserve the best. "Thanks," he said, giving Sarah a hug.
Sarah seemed surprised for a moment before returning it.
"That's what I like to see," Lucy's voice said behind Sarah.
Sarah released Biff and turned around. "There's plenty of room for one more," she said, leaning over and kissing Lucy lightly. "What happened with Robet?"
"Seems to be feeling under the weather. Told him to take it easy this morning. He can always catch up later," Lucy lied. That hadn't been exactly how it played out, but he didn't want to get her upset.