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8. Flying away

7. Getting some clothes

6. Normies leave Xanadu

5. Getting to the hotel

4. Meeting other changed

3. A quick inspired costume

2. Conventions and Costumes

1. The Drafting Board

Squirrel in Xanadu: The demon girl Chandra

on 2024-10-28 11:45:14
Episode last modified by Chompy on 2024-10-29 06:48:38

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Clothes were… going to be hard.

It didn’t help that everyone from the convention had the same sudden need to find something to wear, not comfortable what they had gained or lost from their transformations. They had raided the shops and bought (or sometimes just taken) almost everything that had a level of flexibility or concealment. Loose pants, large jackets, even (of all things) hats- just gone.

Steven had never seen so many bare and empty shelves. She stared at the shop floor as if a robbery had taken place. The sudden scarcity of goods made the squirrel girl feel a twinge of… instinctual panic (accompanied by an image of storing nuts for the winter, of course.) “Please let there be something here…” She tried to clamber up onto higher shelves in case anything was there. Yet for all her attempts there were just no nuts- er- clothes.

“Can I help you miss?” Asked a saleswoman, with what looked like real bunny ears. She had brunette hair and was quite pretty in her thirties. Interestingly she wore glasses that ‘somehow’ stayed on her eyes despite lacking any human ears for the eyewear to hook onto. “You’re quite… high up there. The top shelves are for store workers only. Please come down?” She had a tint of nervousness in her voice. No doubt she had seen some very dangerous transformations. Even if Steven’s ‘looked’ rather benign, she wasn’t taking chances.

The squirrel girl tried to look apologetic, and her expression did set the saleswoman at ease. “Oh- Sorry I- um- wasn’t really… thinking.” Steven slowly climbed down as the woman released a breath. The squirrel girl, was back on the floor, smoothing out her robes and held on to what dignity she could. “I was looking for... something to wear. My flight leaves in a few hours… and well- they are kicking us all out. I haven’t found a wizard to change me back!” What could she do? It was unfair!

“Nobody has,” The bunny-girl chuckled. “I think I’m stuck with bunny ears too. I suppose it could have been worse.” She gave her ears a little tug. “Let me see what we have for you. Though you are a little late to the party. Things went a bit crazy here.” She left quickly, and Steven noted she even had a bunny tail.

“…cute.” She blushed a bit. ‘At least she looks human…’ She was lucky. Why… why did she have such bad luck all the time?

Some time passed as Steven waited. “Should I tell her… I’m… I’m a guy?” She wasn’t sure if to correct her but… it was too much effort at this point. She didn’t want that to be the start of ‘every’ conversation. Besides, it wasn’t as if it caused any issues. She had to be… mature. More mature than she looked. “Yeah… that’s what I should do…” she was capable of that!

The bunny-woman returned with a box. “Here’s a few things I found. Mostly rejects but something should work.”

Steven eyed something valuable… Pants? “Nice!” It was a small miracle that a pair of loose pants were found. Eagerly she tried to put them on. She tripped and stumbled, her paws struggling to pull them up.

“Um- maybe you could position your tail over-“

“No I got it uh-“ Steven tried to wear the pants but it was like being in a sack. Her whole body fitting easily in one leg. “Oh come on!” Her tail seemed to feel a need to be free otherwise she had a sense of claustrophobia for some reason. She tried in vain before giving up.

The sales lady hummed a bit. “Hmm, I do have some large T-shirts. Do you like Disney?” The woman brought the squirrel girl some Elsa, My little Mermaid, and a few Cinderella themed T-shirts.

Steven stared at them with a deadpan look. “…seriously?”

“Beggers can’t be choosers. It’s all we have now dear. The company donated them after the er... situation. Go on, you’ll look cute!”

‘Does she think I’m a kid? No, don’t correct her, just be mature…’ Steven picked up a random one… and her bad luck struck again. Of all the ones to pick up, the worst Disney movie possible with no redeeming qualities whatsoever… a ‘Brave’ t-shirt. Steven stared at it for what felt like a long time. “…burn it.”

“Ha! It wasn’t that popular I suppose. Well, everyone liked Elsa though.” The woman continued to browse the box. “Hm, how about this one?”

The next T-shirt just had a generic ‘Disney Princess’ written on the inside. Steven guessed she could turn it inside out… “Fine…” She put it on inside out, finding the T-shirt almost trailing to the floor. It was like wearing a dress. “… um. Is this really any better?”

“I think so! You can get away with it. Maybe you can put it under your robe. Pants are… just not going to work for you. Your tail is just… too big.”

Steven sighed. She knew she was right but… it was disturbing to think of. This wasn’t a dress.. it wasn’t… a dress. “I still need some um- underwear though…”

“I think we can find some.”

They had to go for the ‘really’ small ones, but not too small to allow for her tail. It pushed out the elastic, straining it to its limits. “Uh- yeah- thanks.”

“You’re welcome! Hopefully we can design something better for you. Check the internet, there’s bound to be some tailors- for tails.”

Steven involuntarily shuddered.

Going into the airport wasn’t quite as much as a hassle, especially when everyone wanted you out. Some people who had snuck into Xanadu were being ‘deported’ too.

For those who changed, it looked like there was some kind of ‘air flying safety check’ to ensure a person was able to board a plane. Security had certainly been ‘updated’ following the incident. Despite this, everyone was relaxed… maybe because airport security was always expected to be a terrible ordeal.

Steven walked around with her large T-shirt, kicking the insides with her legs looking like… a lost squirrel. Her ears perked up hearing the announcement of her flight to get back home.

“Flight TF-005 is now boarding. Please present your Boarding Passes. Please note that the following transformations are not allowed to board: Megumin, All DBZ characters, Centaurs, Ponies and demi-gods or above. Please contact the helpline for more information. If you are a fairy sized person, please stay inside your approved carrier. Follow all instructions and advice. Attempting to sneak in a transformed person may be unlawful with severe penalties.”

“Yep… humans sure are quick to adapt.” Steven passed through security with flying colours after a brief examination that she was just a humanoid animal… no powers or safety concerns. The security guard gave a sceptical look for a few moments eying the documentation and Steen herself but nodded. “Hm. Yes. You pass as normal.”

“…gee. Thanks.” Steven walked through towards the terminal. She glanced at the line though of rejected passengers. An angry Lamia who was claiming her change was safe, despite having a twenty foot long tail. “I’m just the same as a mermaid surly!” she stated with annoyance. “I’m not on the no-fly list! How can they think I can’t go on a plane? This is crazy!”

A rather sympathetic winged lion-woman… a sphinx was next to her. “You’re telling me… I said I was happy to pay for two seats. They said no four legers… I don’t take up as much room as a centaur.”

Steven made her way past them, as she noticed they all glanced towards her with a bit of envy and annoyance. “Oh come on why is she allowed!” The lion woman pointed with her front paw- and promptly lost her balance falling on the ground “Oof- stupid paws- hands- legs- uh- whatever.”

‘Don’t look don’t look don’t look…’ Steven made her way quickly before being dragged into anything. She just had to get back home. She boarded the inside of the plane quickly. “Finally…” She could relax.

Or… could she?

Sitting on the plane, she leaned up and looked behind her. Humans… everywhere. Everyone here was a human. Glancing around, she suddenly realised… she was the only changed… it seemed like they had also realised it… trying to ‘not look’ at her much as she had ignored the changed too.

…they were afraid of her? She bit her lip slightly on her oversized teeth.

“This is your captain we are about to take off… If you encounter any strange transformations, please inform the stewards.”

Steven then sneezed.

Suddenly the people around turned in her direction, terrified. One child even crying as the mother quickly took the him to the back of the plane, away from the squirrel. Not a word was said but she could feel the scowling looks.

The sight of the kid being taken away broke her heart. ‘I’m… I’m not a monster…’ She looked down at her bare paws and feet… “I’m not…” She felt her eyes get wet with tears as she buckled herself up and tried to push the world away from her mind.

The flight continued… a few hours in. Steven sighed. It felt so tense… so…

“Hey, you look down.” A girl said suddenly standing on the isle next to Steven. “Can I sit next to you?”

Steven looked at her gasping in surprise. “A…demon?”

“Yes, and you’re a squirrel. Let’s not make this weird.” She giggled as she sat down quickly next to her.

She was… cute. Bright white hair, and grey horns with dusky brown skin. She had piercing red eyes, and much like Steven was also quite short looking rather child-like. A tail was evident behind her, thin with a little heart spade at the end. Her appearance was a mix of innocence and danger. An immature form with a mature face. Something was unsettling though… Steven had got used to the fact that she was smelling everything so keenly yet- she didn’t sense the demon there at all. It was like she wasn’t even there. “I… I didn’t notice you.” Was she… really there?

“Heh, most wouldn’t…” The demon-girl admitted. “But I thought I’d say hello. Given how… alike we are. I’m Chandra. So nice to meet you.” She flashed a grin.

Steven smiled back blushing at the pretty girl. “It’s… um- it’s nice to meet you too.” She glanced awkwardly as ever when meeting someone new. “So um- I guess if you’re on this flight you don’t have any powers either?”

The demon-girl looked almost insulted. “Huh? Well, if you want to play it that way, fine… but I just wanted to say… I like you. I’ll be… keeping an eye out… you know. To help and stuff.”

Steven stared at her. Something wasn’t right… what was it? She glanced outside the window of the airplane and once again, saw the gigantic tree. The same one as in her dream… The plane was flying above a sea of clouds, of different hues… red, blue… “What the…” She gulped. “W-where are we?”

“Where do you think?” Asked Chandra. “Oh- I’m travelling with my ‘dad’ over there, if you ever want to talk to me again…” she pointed out to a man who looked to be in his fourties, “Well the thing is… I could use your help later on too. If you would consider it… and I’ll help you out too. Just call me.”

Steven was still bewildered by what was going on. “Chandra- we’re flying in some other world! We have to get back-“

Chandra sighed. “Fine… little Ratatoskr” she then poked Steven’s muzzle with a finger. “Boop.”

Steven woke up. “Ah!” She glanced around. “I… I fell asleep?” What a weird dream… she glanced around seeing the man Chandra had pointed to. The two made eye contact briefly, but Steven quickly looked away not wanting to… act weird. “Stupid dream…” She muttered to herself.

A guy then walked past, no doubt to use the bathroom. He paused glancing at her.

“Hey! You’re Steven right? We met in Xanadu! You er- your look is… pretty rad.”

Steven gasped. “Greg?!”

“Heh yeah. I got out of there. Man I feel like I dodged a bullet… Thank goodness I didn’t wear a costume. Hey! We live in same town!”

Steven stared and took in his scent. Maybe it was something she was only now registering but… the magic of Xanadu appeared to have a distinct aroma. It was as much a feeling as it was a sensation though. At this point, she was quite sure she could identify anyone who had been at Xanadu. “I think…. you were changed.”

Greg frowned at that. “Huh? Come on, I wasn’t wearing a costume!” He insisted defiantly.

“You said you were a werewolf in human form. You’re… you’re going to change.” Steven said gently.

Greg grew cold at that. He wanted to lash out at that notion. “Nah. Look, I ain’t on any of those stupid lists… and I got no intention of being on em either. I’m not a werewolf. Sheesh. You sound like that crazy old man.”

“…what Crazy old man?” Steven suddenly became attentive.

“That dude- the one just... sitting there. He told me to beware the full moon. Pft… are you and him in on some joke?”

Steven glanced in that direction… the same man Chandra had pointed out. Chandra’s father? He had slightly greying hair and was wearing glasses. Despite his age he looked quite fit, but there was a nervous look to him. He seemed to be glancing around occasionally. Again, steven breathed in the scent… and sensed the power of Xanadu all over him too. “… yeah I don’t think he’s quite normal either… did you get his name?”

“No.. of course not. He’s just some crazy guy… urgh just forget it.” Greg was of two minds. Part of him wanted to hang out with Steven but… maybe it was better to avoid the changed, given how weird they treated them. “Look I- I just wanted to swap numbers. Probably can’t hang out but… you know- I do want to keep in contact with other Xanadurians.”


“What name would you call em?” Greg chuckled.

Steven did chuckle a bit herself. Glancing around… the tension of the flight had eased. Maybe talking to Greg, seeing she was sociable… that was enough. She was human on the inside, right?

Back in Xanadu, in the clothes shop, the bunny girl gasped as she smelled something burning. “Oh no!” She cried out as she put a fire extinguisher to the box under the counter. The Brave themed T-shirt had caught fire, having undergone spontaneous combustion. In seconds, it was now nothing but rags.

“How… did that even happen?” the Rabbit girl pondered.

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