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19. Mikey doesn't want to play alo

18. Earlier the same day...

17. Big Butt Jon

16. Linda is home and the house is

15. Jon keeps searching for the st

14. Linda's whereabouts

13. Dealing with a ripped skirt

12. Jon wears skirts to school now

11. Linda always wore shorts

10. How is Mom?

9. The Heels Make The Man

8. Bunny Slippers

7. Calming Mom Down

6. Have It Your Way

5. Jon's in Trouble (ALT)

4. His Mom Finally Finds Her Shoe

3. On the other foot.

2. Another mom episode.

1. You Are What You Wish

Her Shoes: Role Reversal

on 2024-10-22 13:48:42
Episode last modified by Mikaela on 2024-10-23 14:16:16

435 hits, 81 views, 7 upvotes.

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Mikey was in his room, immersed in his games. He had spent a solid chunk of the morning playing his favorite game, but after a while, it started to feel a bit dull, it wasn’t as fun as his usual playtime. Normally, he’d only play for short bursts after school since Jon didn't let him game for too long. Now that he was grown up, he could play as much as he wanted, and Jon couldn’t do anything about it, but he finally understood why his brother kept the time limited.

Setting the controller down, Mikey stared at the ceiling, searching for something to do next. Then it hit him—his mom was home today. It had been a while since they’d spent time together, and maybe she’d be up for some fun. Even if she was a bit tired and grumpy in the mornings, she could still be a lot of fun. The thought of hanging out with her and playing together reignited his excitement.

He headed out of his room and looked for her, finding her in the kitchen, munching on some leftovers from breakfast.

“Hey, Mom, can we play video games together?” Mikey asked, excitement evident in his voice.

Linda looked up at him with a tired expression. “Not now, Mikey. I’m exhausted. Just go and play your games, okay?” She waved him off dismissively.

Mikey tried a few more times, but she kept refusing, telling him to leave her alone. Frustrated, he started to pout. “Why can’t we play? You always want me to go away when you don’t feel like doing anything.”

Linda sighed, clearly annoyed. “Mikey, don’t you think I’m a bit too old for video games? And honestly, shouldn’t you be looking for a job instead of just playing games? You’re 18, for goodness' sake.” She turned back to her brunch.

Mikey was taken aback. He hadn’t expected his mom to react like that. “Well... I don’t want a job. I just want to have fun with you.” He crossed his arms and frowned. “I wish you were young enough to play with me.” As he spoke, the stone in his hand began to warm, and changes started to happen to Linda.

Her body began to shrink and tighten rapidly, the signs of middle age melting away, with her clothes following suit. Her once fuller figure became slimmer and more youthful, her height decreasing as she turned into a young adult. Her hair, previously cut short and with hints of gray, lightened to a rich, youthful brown and grew out, cascading down her back in thick waves. Despite the changes, her breasts were noticeably still full, but proportionate to her younger frame.

She stumbled back in shock, dropping the plate she had been holding, which shattered loudly on the floor.

"Oh my god, what the hell just happened?!?" she shouted, her voice now high-pitched and full of confusion.

Linda, now looking like an 18-year-old girl, was stunned by her sudden transformation. Mikey, hearing the commotion, looked back at his newly youthful mother, feeling a strange reaction inside his shorts. "Oh no," he thought, realizing he still had the stone in his hand.

Linda, still trying to wrap her head around her sudden change, turned to Mikey, the only other person that could maybe shed some light into her confusion. "Mikey, are you seeing this?" she asked, motioning to her now youthful appearance.

Mikey looked at her, feeling a mix of fear and guilt. "Mom, what happened? Why are you young?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Linda’s eyes narrowed as she noticed the uncertainty in Mikey’s voice. “Mikey don’t lie to me, did you have anything to do with this?” she demanded, her tone growing sharper. “The last thing I heard was you wishing that I was younger, and now look at me—I look like I’m my own daughter!”

Mikey stuttered, "N... no! I don't know what happened, Mom!"

Linda’s face hardened as she recalled the bizarre events of the past day. “Mikey, I’m not just imagining things. Strange stuff has been happening, and it all seems to point to magic. Yesterday, I wished for a bigger car, and look—now we have one. It’s like every wish I’ve made has come true in some way,” she said, her frustration clear. “And now, here I am, magically transformed. So, tell me—did you have anything to do with this?” She gestured to her youthful body, her gaze fixed intently on him.

Mikey felt cornered, knowing he had to come clean, but he tried to bargain first. "Maybe... I'll tell you if you promise to play with me after."

Linda sighed, rubbing her temples. "Fine I’ll play with you, just tell me how this happened."

He brightened up, relieved she agreed. "I... found this stone in Jon's bedroom, it grants wishes when you hold it!" He showed it to her. He hesitated for a moment, before continuing. "And I... forgot I was still holding it when I wished."

Linda's mind raced as everything started to click into place—this magic stone explained all the strange things that had happened to her recently. But how had these wishes been made? Could Jon have been responsible all along? Swapping clothes with his mother didn’t seem like something he would do. Either way, it didn’t matter now that she could have the power to undo the changes and even wish for anything she wanted.

But first, she had to get the stone from Mikey. A new expression crossed her face as she smiled at him, trying to seem reassuring. "I'll play with you now, sweetie, but first, can mommy have a wish?"

Mikey looked at her, with a hint of confusion from her sudden mood change, but shrugged and handed over the stone. "Okay, here, but then we play, right?"

"Of course, sweetie!" she said, eagerly picking up the stone, her mind racing with possibilities. She could finally undo the changes and get back to her old self. As much as she enjoyed her new clothes, she missed her old wardrobe, all the work she had done over her many years building her image—the heels, the skirts, the tailored pants, even her panty drawer that had mysteriously been filled with what looked like a lot of boyshorts. So, without hesitation, she wished, "I wish that I had my old clothes back."

She waited expectantly for the familiar sensation of her wardrobe returning, anticipating the feel of her old outfits. But something strange happened instead. The clothing she was wearing didn’t revert to her old wardrobe; instead, the colors shifted, and everything began to shrink, tightening around her body and hugging her curvaceous form even more. The once comfortable fit turned snug, accentuating every curve in a way that made her feel self-conscious. Meanwhile, Mikey watched in awe as her clothes shrank before his eyes, his excitement growing as his shorts began to tent from the involuntary reaction.

The most drastic changes were in her bra and shirt. Her bra, now much smaller, constricted her chest into a training bra with a white and blue polka dot pattern, squeezing her uncomfortably. Her shirt transformed into a light pink crop top with a teddy bear printed on the front, baring her midriff in a way that was both childish and embarrassing. Linda stared down at her transformed outfit in shock, realizing that the stone had not granted her wish as she had hoped.

"What the hell??" Linda exclaimed, staring down at her clothes in shock. "That's not what I wished for!" She quickly turned to Mikey, expecting some kind of explanation, but instead, she caught him staring at her, his eyes glued to her now badly restrained chest, with a bulge in his shorts.

"Mikey... why is there a bulge in your pants?"

Mikey, still entranced by the sight of his mom’s body, hadn’t even noticed. He fumbled awkwardly, trying to adjust himself. "Uh... I don’t know, Mom," he stammered, struggling with his shorts. "It just started getting bigger, and now it’s all hard and stiff!"

Seeing his reaction, Linda quickly realized that while Mikey was clearly reacting to her younger body, his thoughts weren’t dirty—just an innocent response to the situation. But still, she couldn’t help but notice how much he’d grown, it was bigger than what his dad had. "Just try to keep it in your pants if it happens again, okay, sweetie?" she said, hoping to brush past the awkwardness.

With that out of the way, she turned her focus back to the stone. "I’ll go play with you, Mikey, just let me make another wish first. This one didn’t turn out right."

Somehow, her last wish had just shrunk her clothes, which wasn’t what she intended at all. She took a moment to think, trying to figure out a different approach to getting her old clothes back. Maybe if she was more specific…

"I wish that my clothes fit my body," Linda said confidently, gripping the stone. Once again, it warmed in her hands, and she braced herself for the changes. But just like before, things didn’t go as she planned.

Instead of her clothes adjusting to fit her, Linda’s body began shrinking again. Her curves diminished, her height decreased, and this time even her boobs shrank down along with the rest of her figure. By the time it stopped, she looked like a young girl—maybe 12 years old—with her once-tight clothes now fitting her perfectly.

“What the hell?!” Linda yelled, her voice now sounding even younger than her newly transformed body. “Oh god, what am I going to do now?”

Mikey, surprised by her outburst, approached her, trying to calm her down. But Linda was still panicking, her mind racing with anxiety and frustration. Mikey’s attempts to reassure her only made things worse as she scrambled for a solution.

Desperate, Linda decided to make another wish, hoping to finally fix things. “I wish—” she started, but before she could finish, Mikey, with his new strength and quick reflexes, reached over and grabbed the stone from her hand.

“Mikey! Give me that back!” Linda screamed, struggling to get the stone from him. “I’m not done with it, and I have to undo whatever just happened to me!” She tried to jump up and snatch it away, but her now smaller size made it impossible to overpower him.

In a last-ditch effort, Linda managed to topple Mikey, landing on top of him. He was still adjusting to his new size and strength, making him less nimble. However, even with him beneath her, Linda couldn’t pry the stone from his grip. Despite her frantic attempts to yank it away, Mikey’s hold remained stubbornly firm.

“No, Mom, you’re just gonna mess things up again. I wish you would calm down and forget about the stone,” Mikey said, his voice firm.

Linda immediately froze, her body going limp and her eyes blanking out. She seemed on the verge of collapsing onto Mikey as her memories of the stone faded away. Mikey quickly tucked the stone away and caught her before she could fall, placing her gently on his pecs. He shook her gently, trying to wake her up. “Mom, are you okay?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Linda’s eyes slowly opened and stared up at him for a few seconds. Then, a warm smile spread across her face. “I am now. Sorry for freaking out, Mikey. I don’t know what came over me.” She remained on top of him, the scene looking like an older sibling caring for a younger one. “We can play now if you want to. I don’t fully remember promising it, but I think I did,” she said, her tone much calmer as she snuggled him. There was something about her new, youthful appearance that made her act a lot more relaxed.

Mikey felt a wave of happiness and relaxation seeing his mom’s calm demeanor. She was acting in a way that reminded him of when he was little—sweet and gentle, but this time, the roles were reversed. He was the one looking after her, just like she used to look after him.

“Okay, Mom, let’s head to my room. I’ve got lots of cool games we can play together!” he said, lifting her up with his strong arms. He was still a bit concerned she might faint again if he let her walk, so he carefully carried her. Linda, feeling secure, felt secure in his arms and nestled close to him, her warm breath tickling his neck as she held on tightly.

Once they were in his room, Mikey set Linda down gently on his bed and excitedly showed her his favorite video games. Linda, genuinely enjoying the time spent with her son, found herself smiling at his enthusiasm. It had been a while since they had spent quality time together, and seeing the joy on Mikey’s face made her heart swell with affection.

Mikey, thrilled to have his mom’s undivided attention, felt a deep sense of happiness. Being the youngest of three had its challenges; he often acted out mischievously simply to get noticed. With Jon preoccupied with house chores and school and Zoe absorbed in her friends and perfecting her goth look, Mikey’s need for attention was often overlooked. But right now, he was savoring every moment with Linda, feeling valued and cherished.

Mikey didn’t want this moment to end. Having someone who understood him and spent quality time with him was a rare gift he wasn’t ready to let go of. While Linda browsed through his collection of video games, Mikey took the opportunity to make another wish. Holding the stone close, he whispered, “I wish we could do this more often.”

The stone warmed up in his hand, signaling that his wish had been granted. Though he wasn’t entirely sure how, the warm glow left him with a hopeful feeling.

Mikey decided it was time to set the stone aside for the day. There had already been so many changes, and he didn’t want an accidental wish to undo his new relationship with his mom. Plus, he didn’t want to face Jon’s frustration over the missing stone.

As Linda focused on the game, Mikey quietly left his room, and returned the stone to where he had found it, in Jon’s bedroom. "I’m not sure how I’ll explain all this to Jon," he thought, "but I really hope Mom stays like this. She’s so much fun now."

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