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18. Earlier the same day...

17. Big Butt Jon

16. Linda is home and the house is

15. Jon keeps searching for the st

14. Linda's whereabouts

13. Dealing with a ripped skirt

12. Jon wears skirts to school now

11. Linda always wore shorts

10. How is Mom?

9. The Heels Make The Man

8. Bunny Slippers

7. Calming Mom Down

6. Have It Your Way

5. Jon's in Trouble (ALT)

4. His Mom Finally Finds Her Shoe

3. On the other foot.

2. Another mom episode.

1. You Are What You Wish

Her Shoes: Tall Tale

on 2024-10-14 18:31:47

551 hits, 90 views, 6 upvotes.

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Mikey woke up to the sound of his brother Jon calling him down for breakfast. Even though he didn’t want to get up, he forced himself out of bed—he didn’t want Jon to be mad at him for being late. By now, he was used to Jon taking care of the house. If it were up to their mom, nothing would ever get done.

But something was different today. Jon looked... strange. Mikey remembered yesterday when he went to ask Jon for help beating a video game stage. Just as he entered his bedroom, he saw Jon holding a strange stone, making a wish. Then suddenly, Jon's body started changing. Terrified that whatever did that might also change him too, Mikey fled back to his room. After some time had passed and nothing was happening to him, he convinced himself he was just imagining things and went to sleep, hoping everything would be normal in the morning.

But it wasn’t. Jon had definitely changed just like he saw, though he was still acting the same—picking out clothes for Mikey, cleaning the house, making breakfast. But his body looked different, almost like their mom’s, only... fatter? Mikey wasn’t sure how to describe it. Jon definitely did not look fat, but his shorts looked a lot tighter than yesterday, almost like he had put on some pounds.

Curious and a bit nervous, Mikey was determined to find out what caused this. So, after Jon went down to prepare breakfast, Mikey went to his brother’s room to search for something that might explain what happened.

Once in Jon's room, Mikey's eyes immediately locked onto a small stone that seemed to emanate a strange, almost otherworldly aura. He felt compelled to pick it up. As he examined it, the stone didn’t look all that different from any he’d seen before outside.

“Is this a lucky charm?” Mikey wondered. “I should probably leave it alone. Jon would be mad if it went missing.”

But before placing it back, he remembered yesterday, how Jon was holding the stone while making a wish before the changes started. Curiosity got the better of him. Maybe it could grant his wishes too.

“I wish I also had bunny slippers like Jon!” he whispered.

Mikey felt a strange tingle in his feet as the stone warmed in his hand. He looked down and saw as a pair of soft, fuzzy bunny slippers—identical to Jon's—replaced his current shoes. His eyes widened in disbelief. Did the stone really work? Or was he just imagining things?. Glancing around the room, he saw Jon’s original slippers still sitting where they’d always been, with his new ones looking like a perfect replica. Signaling that whatever it did, it gave him exactly what he wanted.

His attention snapped back to the stone, his mind racing with possibilities. If it could give him slippers, what else could it do? But then he remembered he couldn’t spend all day at home making wishes; he had school. A mischievous grin spread across his face as an idea struck him. “I wish I didn’t have to go to school,” he said, feeling the stone warm again.

As soon as Mikey made his wish, his body started feeling all kinds of weird. His bones and muscles stretched, growing bigger and stronger, and his face shifted as his jaw became more defined. He noticed hair sprouting up everywhere—on his legs, arms, and even in places he hadn’t expected, like his crotch. His underwear began to feel uncomfortably tight as everything down there seemed to grow along with the rest of him. Feeling overwhelmed, Mikey collapsed onto Jon’s bed, his body now so big that his feet stuck out over the edge. Then, just as quickly as it had started, the changes stopped, leaving him lying there, panting and trying to catch his breath. Strangely, his clothes had also grown to fit his new size.

He sat on the bed, trying to process what just happened. Everything about him felt bigger and stronger. He stared at his hands, astonished. “Wow, they’re so…” His eyes widened when he heard his own voice—it was much deeper now. He cleared his throat and spoke again, testing out a few words. Each one rumbled from his chest, startling him a little. “This is so cool,” he muttered, a grin spreading across his face.

Curiosity got the better of him, and after playing around with his new, deeper voice for a bit, he stood up. He almost lost his balance, realizing just how much taller he was now. He took a few wobbly steps, trying to get used to his new size, and headed to the bathroom to check himself out.

Once in the bathroom, he couldn’t believe what he saw. He looked like a grown-up, with a beard and everything! This was so cool. He started flexing, checking out his new muscles, feeling stronger than ever. As his hand slid past his crotch to check out his legs, he felt something there that was way bigger than before. Curious, he quickly pulled down his shorts and underwear, grabbed his junk, and flopped it out over his shorts, amazed at how different and huge it felt.

His balls were bigger than before, with a bit of hair sprouting around the base. His shaft was long and thick, almost reaching his mid-thigh and curving slightly to the right. The foreskin that once covered the whole head was now mostly gone, only covering a small part of it.

He couldn’t help but play around with it for a while, giving it a few spins and having a bit of fun doing a “helicopter.” The new sensation was oddly satisfying. To his surprise, it grew a bit longer and thicker as he played with it. But after a few moments of playing with his junk, he quickly lost interest and shoved it all back into his shorts.

He grinned at himself in the mirror, fully understanding now what the wish did to him. “I’m all grown up now, I don’t need to go to school anymore!” he said aloud, his deep voice echoing in the bathroom. With that in mind, he headed back to his room, eager to take advantage of his newfound freedom. “Time to play video games all day,” he thought, already picturing himself enjoying a full day of uninterrupted fun.

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