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15. Meeting up

14. The Day After

13. Aftershow

12. Showtime

11. The Explanation

10. Back to the beginning

9. The shoot comes to an end.

8. Time To Go To Work

7. Costume Change

6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: Meeting up

avatar on 2024-10-20 20:03:10
Episode last modified by Ms-Scarlett-Raven on 2024-10-22 12:00:44

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Culture FTF

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Holly walked into the room to see Gi sitting at the same table where the two of them had been sitting the day before. She sat down beside Gi and greeted her.

“좋은 아침 미군 병사 어떻게 ~이다 너 오늘.?”
“Good Morning Gi how are you today.?”

She asked politely until she was sure that the people nearby could no longer hear her.

“I’m fine Holly, how are you?” Gi asked her showing signs that her understanding of the Korean tongue was fading.

Holly thought that she would try something that might help. “Is this any better?” She asked this time in a rather broken form of English.

Gi sat there stunned. “It looks like our language skills have been fully swapped. You are now able to speak English as well as I could yesterday and I speak Korean about as well as you did before …”

“What happened, happened.” Holly finished for her.

“Exactly,” Gi replied.

“What is happening? You said that this would be over and done with today but it's clearly not.” Holly said gesturing down at herself.

“No I said the rest of the day and it has not been a day yet. Gi corrected her.

“We are on a different day,” Holly said looking confused.

“24 hrs have yet to pass that would be a day,” Gi told her.

“So I only have to wait another three or so hours then you will be able to fix this, won’t you?” Holly asked.

“If you still want me to,” Gi replied.

“What do you mean of course I want you to,” Holly stated.

“Are you sure? I thought you were having fun as a Peace Blossom member. Maybe too much fun to want to go back to being a journalist again.” Gi said.

“Well it has been fun but I think that I would like to be myself again,” Holly said in reply.

“I am not so sure Holli. You seem to be very comfortable with your current station in life. You know you can tell me. One blonde to another.” Gi said.

“You are right. One Blonde to another, I have been having fun and I wouldn’t mind doing something like it again. It's just a shame that it isn’t possible.” Holly replied dejectedly.

“What if I told you that we could extend the duration of our current exchange? What would you say to that Holli?” Gi asked.

Holly looked surprised at these words from Gi. “You said that you needed to reverse this quickly so that we could go back to what we were before. You did say that didn’t you?” Holly asked.

“What I said was that you were Holli Mok for the rest of the day and you were. I also said that we could get things sorted out by the end of the day quickly but I never said that we had to fix things by the end of the day or we wouldn’t be able to.” Gi answered.

Holly sat there for a moment or two thinking back over the conversation the two women had taken part in the day before. It was true that Gi had never said that if they sorted things at the end of 24hrs they would not be able to. Holly had just assumed that was what she meant.

“So how long do we have then?” Holly nervously asked.

“That depends on you Holli,” Gi told her.

“What do you mean?” Holly asked

“We can switch back at the end of the day as we talked about or we can stay the way we are for longer. I have to get back to the UK in a few days to file the reports we have recorded so that the editor can look at them. We could wait until then if you want?” Gi said with a smile on her face.

“That could be interesting. What do we have to do if we want to do that?” Holly asked.

“Not much just like yesterday I need you to read what is on the piece of paper on the table.” Gi nodded towards the piece of paper which until now Holly had not noticed.

Holly lifted the piece of paper and looked read it before deciding if she should read it out loud and take the extra time in her new role that Gi was offering her. Why not she thought. She had fun over the last day why not enjoy herself for a little while longer?

“One Blonde to another. One country to another. One culture to another” She read loud enough for only her and Gi to hear.

“Almost done Holli. Can you fill this in?” Gi asked her.

Holly looked at the second sheet of paper and started to fill in the blank spaces.

Full Name - Holli Mok
D.O.B - January 3, 1995
Place of Brith - Gunpo, Gyeonggi, South Korea

“Is that everything?” Holli asked.

“Almost I just need you to fill this in for me as well,” Gi told her as she handed Holli a second sheet.

“Why, it is the same as the first,” Holli told Gi

“Just humor me,” Gi replied.

Well since the form is in Korean why don’t I fill it in, in Korean, Holli thought. Yesterday this would have been impossible but today she could do this so why not. So she did.
가득한 이름 - 홀리 목.
생년월일 - 1995년 1월 3일.
장소 ~의 브리스 - 군포, 경기도, 남쪽 한국

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