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14. The Day After

13. Aftershow

12. Showtime

11. The Explanation

10. Back to the beginning

9. The shoot comes to an end.

8. Time To Go To Work

7. Costume Change

6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: The Day After

avatar on 2024-10-19 09:37:27

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Holly woke up wondering where she was, this didn’t look like the hotel she had been staying in. Then she remembered what happened yesterday. Had she really performed on stage with Peace Blossom last night?

“Not long to go now and I can get back to being boring old Holly Mok.” She said to the empty room.

She went to the bathroom to start to run her shower. She caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror. Something wasn’t right somehow but she ignored it and stepped into the shower.

A few floors below.

Gi had woken a few hours earlier. She knew that this was going to be the difficult part of all of this. She was not sure how to explain what needed to happen to Holly so that everything that had to be done could be done. Gi looked in the mirror just to make sure that the outfit that she had found in Holly’s closet would have the desired effect. The fitted, deep blue suit jacket with a collared neckline made her look like every inch the TV personality that the world now saw her as. Her hair was in a short, straight bob rather than the almost waist-long style it had been the day before. She finished applying her minimal makeup which helped to accentuate her new features.

The most startling thing for her was her eyes which were now striking blue rather than the brown they usually were. Her expression was as calm and collected as she could manage knowing what she now had to do. She picked up the phone in her room to order a pot of coffee not something she usually drank but somehow this morning it seemed right. She couldn’t resist having another look at her face, this time in the compact in her bag. Those eyes were going to take some getting used to. Looked just like Western eyes should look to her and not like the eyes that she had grown up with.

“Yes, this was going to be hard to explain.” She said out loud just as there was a knock on the door to announce room service with her coffee.

Back upstairs

Holly had finished her shower and was now looking through her temporary closet to find an outfit for the day ahead. Unlike yesterday when she had ended up wearing one of Gi’s outfits as part of a game which had led to her current situation today, she had to choose one herself. She sat in front of the mirror with her back to it. She dried her now very long blonde hair. She was sure it hadn’t always been that long, was this something else that had changed because of Gi’s? She finished drying her hair no matter if it was hers or not it needed to be dried before she got dressed.

She turned to face the mirror for the first time that morning and noticed the change in her eyes straight away. They were no longer the bright blue that they had always been for some reason they were now brown. She looked again and saw the shape of them had also changed they were now almond-shaped.

The knock on the room door made her turn her face away from the mirror.

“Ms Mok time to get up you have your one-on-one with the westerner in half an hour don’t forget.” The voice from the other side of the door told her.

“I will be ready in time.” Holly replied.
The Westerner that would be Gi the person responsible for this she thought turning back to see her altered face in the mirror. She knew that there was nothing that she could do at the moment only Gi could, she thought so she had better get ready for her interview the one that only yesterday she had been preparing to have with a K-Pop signer now she was the signer.

She returned to the closet and chose a light blue sheer collared shirt and a pair of tight-fit black pants. This was the as close an outfit that she could find to one of her own. Her long, straight hair now reached her shoulders. Considering the changes to her eyes she was now sure that it had not always been that long. She put the outfit on and then started putting on minimal makeup in a similar style to what she usually did. She looked directly in the mirror with a serious expression on her face and went to find a pair of shoes that would complete the outfit and found a pair of heels that would be perfect.

She turned to double-check her appearance in the mirror trying to ignore the changes. Perfect, she turned to leave the room. Time to meet up with Gi and get some answers she thought.

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