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13. Aftershow

12. Showtime

11. The Explanation

10. Back to the beginning

9. The shoot comes to an end.

8. Time To Go To Work

7. Costume Change

6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: Aftershow

avatar on 2024-10-16 08:55:07

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Somehow she had survived a two-hour show of singing and dancing to an audience that she had been told had been around fifty thousand. Holly was glad that she didn’t know that fact before she had gone on stage. If she had she wasn’t sure she would have been able to go on stage.

Holly took yet another look around the backstage area to see if Gi was nearby but then she remembered that reporters were not allowed backstage and was what everyone thought that Gi was at the moment.

Gi was sitting in the press area with all the other journalists. Things seemed to be happening just the way her grandmother had told her they would. Not only had Holly fitted in with the girls on stage but she was now fitting in just as well with the press pack. The one or two people sitting in the press room who could speak English were asking her how the girls were behaving off-stage, especially Holly. Apparently, Holly had quite the reputation for being difficult to deal with. Gi was a little upset at this fact as Holly was meant to take her role in the world and she did not think that she had been that difficult to deal with but she was according to the journalists sitting with her.

Holly and the rest of Peace Blossom returned to their hotel suite shortly before 11. She went into the room that had been Gi’s that morning. It somehow seemed right that she should use that room, she was not sure why it just did. Still not able to get to sleep she opened her or rather Gi’s phone to see what was happening in the world. She tried to access her email account to see if she had any new messages but she could not remember the password for it. So she ended up looking at Twitter. No matter how long it had been X she still thought of it as Twitter.

She clicked on the link to access her account and ended up on Gi’s page. Somehow she was able to log in to the account she was not sure how, maybe it had something to do with whatever it was that Gi had done. She found that Peace Blossom was trending on the site. She thought that it must have something to do with the gig earlier that night. She still couldn’t get it out of her head that it had been her on that stage singing and dancing in front of fifty thousand people.

She looked through the posts that people had been putting up. They were saying things like..

“What a show”

“One of the best they have ever done”

“Holly looked fantastic tonight”

“She is the most beautiful woman on the planet”

Posts like these made Holly blush even back before her TV career when she had been a model no one had said things like that about her. Then she saw a post which had a video attached to it. She wasn’t sure if should she watch it. If she did what would she see? It took her a whole five seconds before she clicked the link in front of her. To most people that may not seem a long time but sitting in that hotel room it seemed like a lifetime to Holly.

Peace Blossom on Stage

The video was of the girls dancing on the stage from earlier that night. The user had been careful to remove the Peace Blossom song and put another track over the top of the footage. Holly watched the short clip a couple of times as she couldn’t believe what she had seen the first time. Even though she knew better it looked like she fitted right with the rest of the group as if she had spent hours practicing the moves that she was performing. Gi had been right there was no way that anyone would be able to see that her Holly Mok did not belong on that stage.

Gi sat in what had been up until that morning Holly’s hotel room enjoying the quiet. She wondered what was going through Holly’s mind at that moment. She decided to try and get a few hours of sleep today had been a long day and she needed some rest before meeting the girls in the morning.

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