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10. Draining Jon

9. It doesn't work on Alistair

8. Math Class

7. Becoming a Stud

6. Biff and Sarah's Morning

5. Biff visits Sarah at home

4. After school

3. Sarah wishes she had the boys'

2. A wish to embarrass Sarah

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah's BDE: Draining Jon

avatar on 2024-10-18 20:12:22

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Maybe it only applied to boys who were in the locker room at the time? Sarah would need to next target either someone masculine who she knew wasn't in that gym class, or someone non-masculine who definitely was in that gym class. And as she stepped into the hallway, the first person she spotted was none other than Jon Gibson.

Sarah thought to herself. Yes, she'd definitely seen Jon during gym class, and if there was any one who exuded "not an alpha-male" to Sarah's mind, it had to be Jon. He was skinny and quiet and almost forgettable. Hell, Sarah didn't think he even had any guy friends, he just hung around with Karyn constantly. That's how Sarah thought of him: not really as his own person, just as an accessory to Karyn.

He was perfect.

For his part, the very last thing that Jon expected to happen during that particular between-class period was for Sarah to confidently strut straight towards him and corner him against the wall. He wasn't physically restricted in any way, and Sarah was like six inches shorter than him so he could have wriggled away if he'd wanted to. But something about the look in her eyes, the way she was walking, her expression. It almost commanded him to stay in one place.

"So, Jon Gibson," Sarah said in a tone that was somehow both predatory and friendly at once, "What do you think it is that makes you a man?"

"W-what?" Jon wasn't sure what he was being asked.

"Oh, don't worry," Sarah laughed. "You don't have to answer out loud, I'll figure it out soon enough."

She grasped each of Jon's hands, and a calm came over the boy that he didn't understand. Colors around him seemed to fade. Sounds felt dull against his ears. Sarah let go of his hands.

"That's it?" she asked. "The thing that makes you a man is that you have the hots for Karyn?" Sarah let out an uncharacteristic snort. "This is too easy."

And with that, Jon watched as Sarah turned around and made a straight bee-line for where Karyn stood at her locker. He stood there, stock still, sure that he should be feeling something but unable to summon up any emotion, as Sarah put her hand on Karyn's shoulder to get her attention. As Karyn reacted at first in anger, but calmed down with Sarah's next sentence. Like a robot, he accepted the input data that hit his eyes as Karyn's expression shifted and changed the more Sarah talked. Went from distrust, to confusion, to pleading, and after only a minute or so, Sarah held Karyn by both shoulders and pulled her into a kiss.

And Karyn swooned.

And Jon felt nothing.

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