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17. Big Butt Jon

16. Linda is home and the house is

15. Jon keeps searching for the st

14. Linda's whereabouts

13. Dealing with a ripped skirt

12. Jon wears skirts to school now

11. Linda always wore shorts

10. How is Mom?

9. The Heels Make The Man

8. Bunny Slippers

7. Calming Mom Down

6. Have It Your Way

5. Jon's in Trouble (ALT)

4. His Mom Finally Finds Her Shoe

3. On the other foot.

2. Another mom episode.

1. You Are What You Wish

Her Shoes: Alluring ASSets

on 2024-09-23 13:55:34

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While the meatloaf was warming up, Jon set the table and called for his siblings. Mike was first to arrive, and Jon served him. Next came Zoe and her friend, who was still eyeing Jon every now and again. Finally Linda also came, wearing the clothes that Jon had set aside for her. The clothes, despite being mostly a men’s fit, were adapted to her body, giving her a tomboyish look.

The evening went pretty well. His siblings were never much for conversation, so dinner was pretty silent. Linda, no longer mad at Jon, commented on how well the house had been cleaned. She jokingly stated that he should take over her duties, mentioning how nice it would be to have a break after all these years.

Jon heartily chuckled at his mother’s suggestion but did not reply. His mind was distracted by the changes he had experienced in his body today, though he couldn't quite place them. His ass felt weird, as if he had some extra cushion there. Not that he was complaining; it was a lot more comfortable than he was used to. Except for the fact that his panties and shorts were riding up his butt way more, forcing him to constantly adjust them.

Later, after the meal, he picked up the dishes to wash and, due to not being used to his new proportions, bumped his enlarged ass on the table a few times, accidentally breaking a glass. After carefully cleaning up the broken glass from the floor, he resumed washing the dishes and then retired to his room. He was so tired from his day that he didn’t even consider taking a shower. As soon as he got to his bedroom, he placed the stone in the box, and collapsed onto his bed.

Waking up the next day, Jon was surprised that he had woken up way earlier than he was accustomed to. He checked the time on his phone, and it showed that he had woken up at 7am, half an hour earlier than usual. He stretched, getting ready to take the shower he didn’t take yesterday and to prepare breakfast for his family.

He grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. Once inside, he began undressing. His shirt slipped off easily, just like always, but he had to tug a bit to get his shorts and panties down over his hips. Still, he was now ready to shower, eager to wash away the sweat and grime that had built up from the day before.
The shower itself wasn’t remarkable, but it was definitely pleasing—a great way to start the day by refreshing his body. As he lathered up with soap, though, something felt different. His skin was much softer and smoother than he was used to, lacking the firmness and ruggedness of the teenage boy’s body that he was used to. The sensation reminded him of when he hugged his mom or one of his aunts, with that same tender softness. He also noticed how much more jiggly his ass and legs felt. His asscheeks, in particular, were unusually sensitive to any movement, sometimes even making a faint clapping sound. They also seemed noticeably bigger than he remembered.
Further up his body, his arms, too, had changed—much thinner now, and devoid of his familiar forearm hair. What little hair remained was sparse and almost invisible. At first, he hadn’t noticed, but now that he was aware of the lack of hair on his arms, he realized that his legs were nearly hairless too. This was strange, he thought. He had just started growing them, and they took much longer to appear than for most other boys in his school, only to now vanish before they even fully grew in. Was this a consequence of his last wish? Well, if it meant Biff wouldn’t have anything to mock, it might just be worth it. Besides, it wasn’t like he could easily reverse it anyway.
After the shower, Jon headed to his room to change and get ready for school. He slipped on a pair of beige tanga panties that fit more like a thong, the back disappearing completely between his buttocks. Next, he put on a red pleated skirt that, despite its size, barely covered his ass. He added black pantyhose, loving the way they felt against his legs, and finished the outfit with his beloved 3-inch Manolo pumps. To complete the look, he chose a men’s white button-up shirt, tucking it neatly into his skirt.

On his way downstairs, Jon passed by his mom's and siblings' rooms, calling out for them to get ready for breakfast. Once in the kitchen, he prepared the usual scrambled eggs and toast. His brother Mike and sister Zoe were the first to come down, one after the other, already dressed for school. However, there was no sign of his mother, which made Jon a bit worried.

After breakfast, he went back upstairs to check on her and found her still sound asleep in bed. He tried waking her gently, but she only mumbled groggily, “’s my day off. Let me sleep.” She then turned to the other side, pulling the blanket over her head.

Leaving his mom to sleep, Jon grabbed his backpack and headed out the door. As he walked to school, he noticed a subtle change in his gait. His hips swayed more than usual, and his butt bounced slightly with each step. Though it wasn’t enough to be bothersome, he couldn't help but be aware of the new sensations. He chose to ignore it for now and continued on his way.

Near the school gates, Karyn was waiting, eyes glued to the street for Jon. When he showed up, she almost bombarded him with questions about the stone, but she froze for a moment, taking in his look. Jon looked hot today—there was no denying it. Karyn had always had a thing for him, but today he looked especially good.

Was it his huge, shapely butt? It had always been nice, but now it seemed to have an extra allure. Maybe it was his long, thick legs, barely hidden by his tight clothes. Or was it his perfect hourglass figure, complete with that cute little bit of belly fat? Whatever it was, Karyn couldn’t tear her eyes away, she definitely liked what she was seeing.

"Looking cute today, Jon," she said, her admiration clear in her voice. Jon, taken aback by the unexpected compliment, felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. He wasn’t accustomed to receiving such attention from Karyn, or anyone for that matter.

“Thanks, Karyn,” Jon replied sheepishly, his voice filled with joy. This was a compliment he'd remember for the rest of his life.

They stood there for a moment, Jon blushing and casting his mind to his crush Harry, wondering if he would ever look at him the way Karyn just did. Meanwhile, Karyn couldn’t tear her eyes away from Jon's juicy thighs and fat ass, practically devouring him with her gaze.

This continued until Karyn finally broke the silence. “So, Jon… did you, y’know… bring the stone today?” She shook her head slightly, trying to snap herself out of the trance, and forced herself to meet his eyes instead of getting distracted.

“Oh, right, the stone! It’s right here, just let me find it…” Jon said as he opened his backpack, rummaging inside. “It should be right… here…” He checked the side pockets, but still couldn’t find anything.

“Huh, seems like I didn’t bring it today.” He looked up at Karyn and gave her a sheepish grin. “So-rry, heh. Next time I won’t forget it! Boy Scout’s honor!” He added a playful salute to his words.

Karyn sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. “Ugh, Jon, you have no idea how much I need that stone right now. These boobs are killing me,” she complained, shifting her shoulders to emphasize the weight she was carrying.

"Aw, they can’t be that bad," Jon replied with a playful smile. "Everyone seems to love them. Besides, it’s not like you can wish them away. Remember, you can’t contradict a wish."

“I know, I know,” she replied with a sigh. “But I’ve thought about it, and I think I know how to solve it.” She adjusted her posture, trying to alleviate some of the strain her heavy breasts were causing. “I just need the stone. So, don’t forget it again tomorrow, okay? Please!”

Jon nodded. "I'll be sure to put it in my bag first thing when I get home. Last time I saw it was on my nightstand, so it's weird that I didn’t pick it up after I got dressed,” Jon said, trying to picture where it might be. “But whatever, it should still be there.”

The school bell rang, signaling the start of classes. They exchanged a brief glance, and Karyn said, “Same place, same time tomorrow. And don’t forget the stone.” Setting aside her frustration, she added with a playful smile while flexing her arms, “Or I might have to beat you up.”

"I wouldn’t mind if you gave me a boob beatdown,” Jon said with a big smile. “They look like they could do some damage if they hit someone.”

Karyn rolled her eyes, clenched her fist, and huffed, clearly annoyed by his playful jab. Jon just laughed loudly, and they both went on their way.

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