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3. Jon becomes his school Princip

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon becomes his school Principal's penis. Permanently. Part One.

on 2018-06-13 09:08:17

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I wish that when I get to school tomorrow morning, Principal Robbins calls me into his office and tells me that he knows I've been very depressed lately and have been thinking about killing myself. He then tells me that he and his wife, Mrs Robbins, are sorcerers, and that he knows about my fantasy about being turned into a good looking man's penis and after proving that he's a sorcerer, he tells me that he's always had a fantasy about turning someone into his penis, and offers to make my fantasy come true. There is one catch, that my transformation will be permanent. Once I'm his penis, I will be staying like that forever. Rather than let me agree immediately, he sends to me to my first class to think about it. I also wish that I will like my new body and will be happy in my new life. I wish that I won't be able to taste it when he takes a piss, but I will be able to taste his cum. I also wish that he has sex with his wife at least once a night. And I repeat, if I agree to to be turned into his penis, the wish will become irreversible. I will be his penis forever.

You really don't know why you make such a wish. Partly at least, it's probably because you're still grieving over the death of your grandfather. But also, you haven't been truly happy for a while, and have wished that you could have another life, something other than a human. You've never wished to be a penis though, you're not even gay, but there's something about the thought of being an intimate part of someone else's body that you find appealing. And Principal Robbins is a really good looking guy, which probably makes it a little easier. So does the fact that his wife, your English teacher is especially hot. They're both in their early to mid thirties, so they're not particularly old. Besides, there's nothing definite in your wish yet. You've got two chances to change your mind. You finish your homework, feeling both nervous and excited, then you take a shower and turn in for the night. It takes you a while to get to sleep, because you have the wish you made in your head, but you eventually drift off.

When you wake up the next day, you find that you haven't changed your mind. Not yet at least. You get up, go to the bathroom and then get dressed. Then you have breakfast before heading off to school. You walk somewhat slowly, thinking about what's going to happen today, and feeling even more nervous and excited than you did last night. You eventually get to school and see Prinicpal Robbins standing, as he always does, at the main door. He smiles at you at reach the door and says;

"Good morning Jon, I'd like to speak with you in my office if you don't mind".

You smile back and nod as you feel your heart start to beat faster and you find yourself struggling to control you breathing. You walk into the outer room to his office, where the secretary, Mrs Haywood works, and sit down on one of the plastic chairs lined up against a wall. After a few minutes, Mr Robbins appears and walks toward his office door. He gestures for you to follow him as he says,

"Come on in Jon".

You stand up and walk into the office, and he closes the door behind you before walking to his desk an sitting down. He gestures for you to sit in one of the two chairs opposite.

"It's been noticed over the past few weeks that you've been somewhat depressed". He says softly. "I know you lost your grandfather recently, which I was very sad to hear about, but this seems to have been going on for longer than that. According to your teachers, you've been pretty distant and quiet for some time. That concerns me. Is everything alright"?

You pause for a few moments, thinking about the right words to use. Eventually, you say.

"Not really. Yes, it's been been hard for me since my granddad died, but I've been feeling depressed for the past few months now. I'm just not happy with my life. I can't really explain, but I don't feel right, being me. Being a person. I kind of wish I'd never been born. I hate my life, and I wish...I don't know...I wish I could be something else". A couple of times, I've thought about killing myself, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it".

Mr Robbins looks at you thoughtfully for a while and then says;

"When you say, you wish you could be something else. What do you mean by that? What do you want to be?"

You resist the urge to tell him that you want to be his dick. Instead, you shrug your shoulders.

"I dunno", you reply. An animal, something inanimate. I don't care. I just know that I don't want to be anymore".

Mr Robbins remains silent for a couple of minutes as he thinks. Finally, he says;

"Do you believe in God, Jon? Or the concept of their being powerful godlike beings"?

You shrug your shoulders again as you look at him and then reply;

"I dunno. I've never really thought about it. Now that I do though, I doubt it. If there was a God, why would he make the world such a crappy place to live in"?

Mr Robbins smiles as he looks at you, and then says;

"Let me show you something. Now, this may seem pretty scary, but I promise I'm not going to hurt you".

Before you can reply, he closes his eyes and concentrates. A couple of seconds later, a cup of hot coffee appears on his desk in a bright flash of light. Your jaw drops in genuine amazment at the sight of the cup appearing. You knew that he was going to prove he had magical powers, because you'd included it in your wish, but you didn't expect it to be quite so awesome. He keeps smiling as he looks at you, and says;

"Pretty incredible, isn't it? I'm sure you must have a lot of questions, but let me try to explain. Jenny, my wife, and I aren't human. We're sorcerers. That would be difficult to believe if I hadn't just proved it. We're not ancient or anything, we're actually as old as we look, thirty four. Be we are immortal, and pretty powerful. Normally, I wouldn't be telling you this, but you're clearly not happy, and I'm in a position to help. I know about your fantasy, the one where you're turned into a good looking man's penis. If you want, I can make that happen".

You do your best to give him an expression that's both shocked and embarrassed, and you think it works.

"You don't have to be embarrassed or anything with me. We've done things to people that you wouldn't believe. Though usually we only use our powers on bad people, criminals and the like. My wife has turned several criminals into sex toys. Though we could make an exception if you really want your fantasy to happen. I've got to be honest though, it wouldn't be entirely to help you. I've turned a couple of bad guys into my penis before now, and it felt great. In fact, I have this fantasy about turning someone into my penis, and leaving them like that forever. They have to be willing though, I wouldn't force it on you. And don't answer straight away. Go to your first class and think about it. If you say no, I'll make you forget about my wife and I being sorcerers and you go on with the life you have. Nobody gets hurt.

Your heart is really pounding in your chest now. You want to say yes, but you're starting to feel afraid. It's a huge, literally life changing decision. You slowly stand up and give him a nervous smile before leaving his office and heading off to class. It feels like an eternity as you sit in class, and you find it hard to concentrate as you try to make the biggest decision you've faced so far. By the time the class is over though, you've decided to go through it. You weren't lying when you said you hated your life, and losing your granddad has only made it worse. You're sure that you would rather spend forever as another guy's dick than spend one more second in the life you have now. You walk back to Mr Robbins's office with a growing sense of nervousness and fear. A couple of times, you almost change your mind and end the wish, but you resist it. Eventually, you find yourself standing in front of Mrs Haywood.

"Yes?" she asks without looking up.

Your mouth is dry now, and you find it hard to speak, but you manage to stutter;

"Err M...Mister Robbins is err...expe...err...expecting me""

Mrs Haywood briefly looks up at you and then says;

"Oh yes, go right in".

You walk to the door, terrified now. You force yourself to take a deep breath and then knock on the door. After a few seconds, you hear Mr Robbins's muffled voice say;

"Come in".

You open the door and walk in, closing it behind you. As you turn around, you're surprised to find Mrs Robbins sat on the sofa by the far wall.

"Hello Jon", she says softly, with a kindly smile.

"Hi, Mrs Robbins". You say.

"Please", she replies. "Call me Jenny. After all, if you're here to say yes, you and I are going to know each other very intimately".

"Have you made you your decision"? Mr Robbins asks with the same kindly smile as his wife.

"Y...yes sir", you stutter as you nervously rub your hands on your thighs. "I...err...I'll do it. I'll...I'll...". You gulp and let a nervous sigh. "I'll're penis".

"Just a minute". Mrs Robbins says. "Before we do this, you need to fully understand the implications. First of all, if you become his penis, it's permanent. You're part of his body forever. And as Mike has already told you, we're immortal. We'll never grow old, and never die. If you become part of him, you'll also be immortal. So if you don't like it, that's too bad. There's no going back. Second, you will no longer exist as Jon the boy. You actually will be his penis. Your mind will be the only part of the old you left. Which means you'll be fully aware. Not even the most thorough medical exam would show that his dick used to be a teenaged boy. Also, you won't be able to move, or speak, but you will be able to see, hear and feel. We'll be nice to you, but at the end of the day, you're only a penis and you'll used as a penis. You'll have to endure him relieving himself, but you won't be able to taste it. You'll also have to endure him ejaculating, and you WILL be able to taste that. And we'll be having a lot of sex. We find it more pleasurable when one of us has a human as part of our body. And I'll be taking the whole of your body inside me. And one more thing. In order to make the transformation permanent, you have to be swallowed and digested. Although, as soon as he starts to digest you, you'll become unconscious. You'll wake just in time to experience your change. You'd better very sure you can handle all that".

"I can. I'm sure I can". You say in an almost pleading tone. "I hate my life and what it to be over. Even if means becoming a part of someone else".

"Ok then", Mrs Robbins replies. "If you'd rather live forever as my husband's dick, I won't stand in your way".

She then looks at her husband and nods once. You turn to face him and are about to say something when you suddenly feel a strange sensation throughout your whole body. The next thing you know, there's a bright flash of light, and you find yourself standing naked on Mr Robbins's now enormous desk.

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