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9. The shoot comes to an end.

8. Time To Go To Work

7. Costume Change

6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels:The shoot comes to an end.

avatar on 2024-10-12 10:21:59

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The photoshoot reminded Holly of her old modelling days. It had been a few years since she changed her outfit so many times in quick succession. Her current outfit was so much better than the one she had left the hotel room in earlier that afternoon. The white shirt with a black bow tie and a Gray pleated skirt combination had looked cute when she had first seen it but the shirt didn’t leave much to the imagination and the skirt was way too short for her liking.

The black shirt and tight-fitting white jeans that made up her current outfit were more to her liking. She thought as stood posing in front of the gray wall. The gold beret she was told was just the touch needed to complete the outfit. The long-sleeved black shirt with its intricate lacing, did indeed complement the white jeans and black platform shoes that she was now wearing but she was not sure about the beret, she didn’t want to upset anyone so she kept it on.

She was sure that she had seen Gi standing just behind the cameras that had been taking hers and Peace Blossom’s pictures all afternoon but for some reason, the girls' minders would not allow her to talk to her until after the shoot was finished. She only had to wait until Sook-Joo was finished and the shoot would be over and she would have her chance. Right now she was just glad that as far as she was concerned she did not have to stand in front of the cameras again that afternoon.

Behind the cameras, Gi had been standing watching Holly getting her picture taken throughout the afternoon. She was glad that she was behind the camera instead of in front of it. She had grown tired of being told what to wear and how to stand she was enjoying the freedom that she was now experiencing. She was savouring every last moment of it. She looked back towards Holly and wondered what was going through her mind behind the serious expression and how she would explain everything to her.

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