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8. Time To Go To Work

7. Costume Change

6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: Time To Go To Work

avatar on 2024-09-16 12:05:08

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At this point what Holly had gotten used to calling the girls’ handlers came into the room. They were here to round up Peace Blossom and take them to the photo shoot that was organized for that morning. Holly remembered from seeing the band's schedule the other day that they were on their way to a studio to have the pictures taken before returning to the hotel. Mi-Ok, Young-Mi, and Sook-Joo were standing at the door when one of the men came towards her and Gi.

Holly was sure she was in trouble this time.

“I am sorry Ms Glover we need to go to the studio now. You are in the second car and Ms Muk is in the lead car with the other band members.” The Man in the black suit said.

Holly was about to apologize for causing a delay as Gi had not changed into the matching outfit. When the man in the suit turned and spoke to her.

“Time for you to join the others, Ms Muk. You can speak to Ms Glover when we get back.”

Holly could not understand what was happening The makeup artist was new to her job so what she was wearing could explain the mix-up. The man who was speaking to her now she had seen with the girls almost every day since she had arrived. So he knew the girls and knew them well. So why was he acting the way he was, for Holly had no answer.

“Come on Holly you can speak to Gi when we get back we have work to do,” Young-Mi shouted to her from the doorway.

“You had better go Holly. I am sure we can talk some more when you get back.” Gi said trying to suppress a smile that would Shark jealous.

Holly didn’t know what to do. She looked at Gi and then at the man in black. Then at the three girls standing in the doorway. She decided to take the easiest way out.

“Why wouldn’t I come I am one of you after all,” Holly said as she headed towards the three women standing at the door.

Gi turned towards the women now including Holly and said. “I just about remember what it was like to be that young.”

Holly thought she heard her say something else as she and the members of Peace Blossom walked out of the room and towards the elevator. She needed to find a way out of her current situation but couldn’t think of it at that precise moment. Better to play along just now until she found out what exactly was going on.

Back in the hotel room, Gi watch the first party walk along the hotel corridor before heading down in the elevator. It was the first time that she had seen the Peace Blossom security detail from the outside. Sixty seconds later the second group which this time included her made the same journey as her former band-mates had. All the time softly say the one phrase over and over.

“One Blonde to another.”

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