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10. Jon Makes Karyn's Wish

9. Locker Rooms

8. Lunch and Karyn

7. First Period with Jon's New An

6. Back to Reality (mostly)

5. Sarah Leads Jon Away

4. Sarah Bides Her Time Until the

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon Makes Karyn's Wish

avatar on 2024-10-10 00:17:58

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"You know what," Sarah tossed the stone gently in her hand. "I'm feeling generous. Jon, I will let you have one wish." She caught the stone and held it out for Jon and Karyn to see. "But the wish you make is going to be what Karyn wants the most."

The thought of turning down the offer flashed through Jon's mind, but as a pressure built itself up in his belly, he found his hand grasping for the stone nonetheless. Jon took a deep breath, but the pressure kept growing and growing. He could almost swear the waistband of his panties were getting tighter. It was almost painful, pressing upward as though in anticipation of release. But Jon was silent.

"Here, let me help you," Sarah said, stepping around Jon to approach a shivering, paralyzed Karyn. She placed her thumb and two fingers wide apart on Karyn's forehead, then drew them together as if to pinch something. She drew her hand outward and held up the imaginary pinched object before coming up to Jon and placing it in his mouth.

Jon began to speak, but Sarah held his mouth closed.

"Just a moment, I want to make sure we're all on the same page," Sarah said. "Now, what is it that Karyn wants the most?"

Sarah released Jon's mouth, and the voice that came out was Karyn's, but it was Jon making the wish. "I just wish I could fit in with the rest of the girls in the locker room."

Somewhere, in a place far, far away, Jon could hear Karyn shout "No!" And equally distant, he could hear Sarah laughing. Somewhere in another city, in another state, on another continent, a million miles away, his body was in a girl's locker room situated between his best friend and his worst enemy. But that's not where Jon was.

The building pressure released, firing out in all directions with an epicenter at his crotch. Down past his knees, to the tips of his toes. Up past his belly button, to his chest and his arms and his face and his head.

The girls had made fun of him for being hairy, so he couldn't fit in with them if he was hairy. And so his hair fell from his legs and his arms and his chest.

The girls had made fun of him for having a flat chest, so he couldn't fit in with them unless he had breasts. And so a swelling of flesh grew on his chest until he had a generous pair of B-cups.

He certainly couldn't fit in with the rest of the girls if he wasn't a girl, so she ceased to identify as a boy. And a thousand small changes followed this shift in thought.

To fit in, you can't stand out. So Jon couldn't be particularly tall, and she couldn't be particularly short. She settled on 5'3". Her hair had to be nice, but not stunning. It fell into a chestnut braid that ended between her shoulder blades. Her face had to be cute. Her feet had to be dainty. Her everything had to change. Her name had to change

And then it did. And she was pulled back into her body. And she could hear Karyn shouting now very clearly. And she could hear Sarah laughing now very clearly. And she shook her head and felt her braid swing back and forth.

Then something caught her eye. "Hey girls, come over here!" the new girl cried, loud enough for everyone in the locker room to hear her. "Karyn's wearing granny panties with a daisy print pattern! Like she's twelve!"

A wave of girls rounded the corner, and it seemed like the entire locker room was huddled in this one spot, all eyes on Karyn as she futilely brought her hands down to cover up her exposed underwear and tears began to form in her eyes.

Looking up at the crowd, Karyn could distinguish Sarah's mocking face laughing at her, but the other faces all seemed to blend together, like any one of them could have stood in place for one of her companions. Karyn, having heard the wish, knew that one of these faces must belong to the girl who once was Jon, but she could not make it out from within the laughing and jeering crowd.

And of course she couldn't. What else could it possibly mean to fit in with the rest of the girls?

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