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4. Sarah Bides Her Time Until the

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah Bides Her Time Until the Morning

avatar on 2024-10-09 00:10:36

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As far as Jon was aware, the rest of that night had passed uneventfully. Sure it was strange that Sarah had come over to study, but she was almost nice by Sarah standards, and they'd made some good progress. Sarah did have an odd smile on her lips as she said goodbye at the door, however, that left Jon a little concerned.

Ah well, something to keep in mind for later.

Jon woke up as usual the next morning. He took his usual shower, ate his usual breakfast, said his usual goodbyes to his parents and his younger brother, and his usual "see you at school" to his sister. He met up with Karyn in their usual place, and the sight of her perfectly-maintained blonde hair sparked some deep voice in the back of his head, like there was something he needed to talk to Karyn about. But the voice faded quickly and so he ignored it.

And after a brief conversation, Jon and Karyn parted ways to different areas of the school, saying "see you at lunch" to one another with a small wave.

"Gibson!" The voice was sharp as it was distinct. But it wasn't quite angry, just commanding. Authoritative. It was, indeed, almost nice. At least, by Sarah standards.

Jon turned and sighed. The declaration had been loud enough to get the attention of everyone in the hallway, which had suddenly gone quiet under the auspices of the school's queen bee. But before Jon could get out the words "what is it, Sarah?" she was already barking out the next order.

"Come with me."

The assembled students remained silent, and only stared soullessly in Jon's general direction, as though waiting for him to follow Sarah's order. Expecting him to follow Sarah's order.

"Fine," Jon rolled his eyes and made his way towards Sarah's position, all attention still silently on him.

But as he reached Sarah, and as she turned to lead him down a side hallway, it was as though the spell was broken and the assembled students began chatting amongst themselves and organizing their lockers once again.

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