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8. Someone Else Made the Wish

7. Karyn

6. Mother and Daughter

5. Two Brothers

4. The New Dynamic

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The New Dynamic: Someone Else Made the Wish

on 2024-10-04 23:35:17

394 hits, 70 views, 3 upvotes.

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Zoe hustled out the door. She wanted to talk to someone before class.

As she got onto school grounds, she walked past the crowd of Goths hanging out behind the gym without a second thought. She'd been friendly with Stephanie Wright before she started hanging out with Sabrina Johnson, but they had drifted apart since.

As she walked past, Athena Devries got an odd feeling, and turned for a moment, noticing the girl passing by. But then the odd feeling faded, and she wondered why she had such a reaction to some random person she didn't know. Had Zoe remembered the previous reality, she might have noticed that Zelda wasn't with them either.

Zoe took a left and sat on the low wall surrounding the teacher's parking lot, waiting. She checked the time on her phone. Finally, another teen showed up. A lot like Sarah McMillan, this girl had long blond hair and large breasts. "I thought you weren't going to come," Zoe said.

"Look at me, Zoe...I look like this in every picture...everything in my drawers fits...them," she said, gesturing to her chest. "No one sees anything different. Not even my mother..."

Zoe sighed. "Well, I told you that you should be careful with that thing. That's why I hid it until we come up with a way to reinterpret your wish to something more manageable. Can you imagine if one of my brothers found it? We'd end up all turned into sexy cheerleaders or cartoon characters or something. The thing is major trouble. For all I know, it got my grandpa killed."

The other girl sighed. "I'm sorry...just...I feel ridiculous. Like everyone is staring at me."

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