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16. Linda is home and the house is

15. Jon keeps searching for the st

14. Linda's whereabouts

13. Dealing with a ripped skirt

12. Jon wears skirts to school now

11. Linda always wore shorts

10. How is Mom?

9. The Heels Make The Man

8. Bunny Slippers

7. Calming Mom Down

6. Have It Your Way

5. Jon's in Trouble (ALT)

4. His Mom Finally Finds Her Shoe

3. On the other foot.

2. Another mom episode.

1. You Are What You Wish

Her Shoes: Cleaning Conundrum

on 2024-09-17 20:02:16

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Linda was exhausted, she had already spent the whole day playing tennis, adding to that, driving across the city was also really tiring. She was hoping to just get home and collapse in her bed, after all she still had a house to take care of.

After opening the door, it took a moment for her to process what she was seeing. Once realization had set in, her eyes almost jumped from their sockets in shock. Had a burglar broken in? Is Jon ok? Were the only thoughts racing through her mind as she walked across the chaos. The house was a disaster, and she could even smell burnt food coming from the kitchen. As she reached the base of the stairs, she saw Jon standing there in nothing but a towel, water dripping onto the floor. Their eyes locked, and they both moved closer to each other.

“Are you all right, Jon? What happened? Why is the house like this?” she began barraging him with questions, worried sick about him. She could clean this all later; right now her son’s safety was her one and only priority.

What followed was the last thing she hoped to hear coming from his mouth. “I’m sorry mom, I was searching for the stone and made a bit of a mess.” He couldn’t be serious. How had he managed to almost destroy the entire house over this? “I couldn’t find it, but I figured you might have it with you, right?”

Still refusing to accept what she just heard, she just stood there waiting for the real explanation. But Jon only continued to ask about the stone, offering no further clarification.

Extremely disappointed, Linda reached into her front pocket and pulled out the stone, holding it up for Jon to see. “Is this the stone you’re talking about?” she asked, her voice thick with disbelief.

Jon’s eyes widened as he saw the stone, but Linda's frustration only grew. “All of this just for this stone? This is unbelievable,” she said, incredulous. “I can’t believe it.” Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she continued, “I don’t have the energy to deal with this right now. I’m exhausted from my day and the drive home. This chaos is the last thing I needed.”

Opening her palm to him, she continued “Here, take the stupid stone.” But before Jon could pick it up, she added, venting some of her frustration. “I just wish you were the responsible one in this house so you could understand what I go through every day.”

As Jon picked up the stone, he immediately felt a warm sensation emanating from it, as if a wish had been made. He was too stunned by his mother’s anger to remember what she had wished for. He watched as she stomped angrily up the stairs, her frustration palpable. When she reached her room, she slammed the door, and a few seconds later, Jon heard her scream, “EVEN MY BEDROOM?”

The house fell silent. He wasn’t sure if his mom would kill him before, but now there was no doubt. Scared for his life, he hurried to his room. Judging by how exhausted she looked, he figured it would be a few hours before she woke up, giving him some time to think of a solution.

“The stone!” he suddenly remembered. “I can use it to help fix this mess.” He considered what to wish for, then decided. “I wish I had the knowledge of how to clean this house.” And influenced by his mom’s last wish, he added, “And all the knowledge of how to do the house chores too.”

The stone warmed in Jon's hand as a wave of new memories flooded his mind. He suddenly knew how to cook, the best products for cleaning stains, his siblings’ meal preferences, how to iron and fold clothes, and even the less pleasant tasks like cleaning toilets, shower drains full of hair, and removing mold. Stumbling slightly from the rush of memories, he regained his balance, now fully equipped and ready to tackle the mess he had created.

“I wish mom would only want to wake up after I’ve finished cleaning the house” he added, wanting to ensure he could complete everything before she returned. It would also give him the chance to clean her bedroom without disturbing her. He then placed the stone safely in his nightstand. Feeling relieved that he hadn’t lost it after all.

With a plan set in his mind, Jon decided to get dressed in something comfortable for the task ahead. After all, he was still in a towel, and cleaning while nearly naked was hardly practical. He quickly changed into some old clothes that he didn’t mind getting dirty. He picked up a pair of old baby blue hipster panties that he used when he was younger. They were a tad small, riding up his butt a little. He also grabbed a pair of black booty shorts his father had given him, the only unique feature they had was a white stripe on the side. To complete his outfit, he took the white shirt he had worn to school earlier and tied a knot in it to keep it from brushing the floor.

Leaving his room in his pink flip-flops, he pondered where to begin. He started by grabbing some cleaning supplies from the cupboard, a mop, some all-purpose cleaner, and a few paper towels. Throughout the day, he scoured the whole house, making it shiny clean, he was only interrupted twice while cleaning.

First, Jon was interrupted by his younger brother Mike, who arrived hungry. Jon took some time to make afternoon snacks for him, which Mike grabbed and took to his bedroom. There, he spent the rest of the day playing with his toys and video games.

Then, his sister Zoe arrived with her friend Athena. They didn’t pay much attention to him, as usual, though Athena gave him a few odd looks. Jon was concerned about his sister; he didn’t like that she spent time with someone like Athena, who seemed like a bad influence.

Having finished most of the house, Jon moved on to his mother’s bedroom, he picked up a basket from the laundry and made his way up to her room. His mom was passed out on the bed, snoring softly, and wearing nothing but her red boxers. Thankfully, she was lying on her stomach, so her bare body was hidden from view. Although the wish ensured she wouldn’t wake up until he was done, Jon still tried to avoid making too much noise.

He hadn't realized earlier, while searching her room for the stone, just how much of a mess he had made. Her shoes were scattered everywhere, with some sneakers even ending up under the bed. Her trousers and cargo shorts had landed nearby due to their weight, and her dresses and tops were all in disarray. He had even rifled through her drawer of boxers. No wonder she was so mad at him; the place was a complete nightmare.

Piece by piece, everything fell into place, and the room slowly returned to its original state. After organizing the clothes, Jon decided to dust off some forgotten corners and sweep the floor a bit before leaving. He picked up the dirty clothes his mom had left on her bed and decided to leave a new set for her to wear for the night: a v-neck salmon shirt and low-rise gray sweatpants. Satisfied with his work, he left with the basket, making sure to pass by Zoe’s and Mike’s rooms to gather the rest of the dirty clothing.

Mike didn’t even notice Jon going through his room; he was too focused on his games. Zoe was annoyed but still let Jon do his thing, while Athena just gave him some weird looks. Jon left the clothing to be cleaned and went back to his room, collapsing on his bed, exhausted.

“Jon sighed, reflecting on the extent of the mess he’d made. “That was a lot. I didn’t realize how bad it was,” he muttered, closing his eyes briefly before opening them again. He then picked up the stone, which he had left on his nightstand. “I almost forgot why I did all this,” he said, rising from the bed.

“I wish that no one would make fun of my skirt getting torn.” The stone warmed up, and a bright flash filled the room for a moment followed by a subtle sound coming from the door. Jon looked around, trying and failing to notice any immediate changes. Shrugging, he said, “Well, I hope it worked. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see how Biff reacts to know if it did.”

Satisfied, Jon tucked the stone into the waistband of his shorts, then glanced at the clock. It was time to start making dinner. With a final check of his room, he left to begin preparing the meal. On his way to the kitchen, Jon began to feel an odd sensation in his body. His legs gradually lengthened and plumped up, while his torso appeared to shrink in proportion. His back grew rounder and fuller, and his hipster panties rode up so high they looked more like cheeky panties. His booty shorts followed suit, hugging his now more pronounced curves. With each step, his gait changed; his hips swayed noticeably from side to side, and his ass bounced with each movement.

By the end of the changes, Jon and Linda were the same height, his figure now closely resembled his mother’s below the waist, the only difference was that Jon was curvier than his mom. Additionally, his bulge appeared smaller in proportion due to the increased size of his curves.

On the way to the kitchen, Jon found his larger hips and fuller backside getting in the way, bumping into furniture that he had previously navigated without trouble. Once in the kitchen, he untied his shirt, but it landed awkwardly on his rear before he adjusted it. The shirt now looked more like a mini-dress. He shook his head and started cooking.

Meanwhile, at Biff’s home, he and Sarah were lost in a passionate kiss, their hands exploring each other's bodies. Biff squeezed Sarah’s ass cheeks, but his mind wandered back to the gym class accident. “If only her ass was as nice as Jon’s,” he thought, pushing Sarah down onto the couch and positioning himself on top of her. As he imagined Jon’s bubble butt, his arousal grew, and his thoughts became fixated on the idea of Jon’s curvy figure.

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