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5. remembers the new reality

4. Because It's Really Fun

3. Really Young Mom

2. Mom's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Family replacement

on 2024-09-17 15:29:06

374 hits, 84 views, 1 upvotes.


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Meanwhile at the mall, Jon and Karyn were eating in the food court, talking about all the things they could do with the wishing stone. But a few minutes into their meal, things at the table became very different... Karyn began to shift in her chair...something felt very uncomfortable...She was wearing her usual get-up of scruffy old slacks and her favorite worn old green jumper. Her perfectly straight blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders...and then...she changed... Her old slacks turned into new ones, her green jumper into a green business jacket...her nails grew long and polished...and she aged. Before long, a twenty-eight year old woman sat there.

Where Jon had been sitting had changed because instead of a chair it was now a high-chair and Jon's clothing had become a small dress and a diaper. Karyn had noticed that it was just about time for her other kids to get dropped off at the house with the sitter. Karyn had told the sitter she would be home around 3 and that she might be late if the doctor appointment ran longer.

For some reason when the wish had transformed Jon and Karyn that Mikey and Zoey had also changed because Mikey was now Michelle and she was 7, Zoey had become Zane 5, and Jon's mother had become a 3 yr old.

Reality had rewrote where everyone

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