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7. Costume Change

6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: Costume Change

avatar on 2024-09-16 12:00:06

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Holly sat there wearing yet another Peace Blossom costume. She was now wearing a matching outfit to the other three dark-haired women the members of Peace Blossom that sat in front of her having their make-up done. They were all wearing a white shirt with a black bow tie and a Gray pleated skirt. She now had her long blonde hair which was hanging straight down had her hair always been that long. When she looked in the mirror in front of her as the make-up artist had finished doing her make-up, she saw that her face looked different somehow. Younger perhaps but there was something else that had changed. Maybe it was the make-up she had never even heard of the brand that she now had on her face.

Mi-Ok who had been the first of the quartet to get changed sat opposite her. “I told you Holly that you are one of us.”

The blonde-haired Holly looked in the mirror once more and saw the Peace Blossom costume that she was wearing and couldn’t help but agree with the young dark-haired woman across from her.

“You are right Jisoo I do look like I am one of you now”

Gi recognized the outfit as soon as she saw it. She had been sitting in forty minutes after she had been left on her own. It was the outfit that Peace Blossom had worn at a concert in Seoul a few months ago. She much preferred the chic high-fashion outfit that she was still wearing.

“One Blonde to another.” She said softly as Holly approached her.

Holly walked over towards Gi to apologize for wearing yet another of her Peace Blossom costumes. The white shirt with a black bow tie, and a Gray pleated skirt she was now wearing was not as revealing as the last outfit had been but it was just as tight fighting. How was she fitting into these clothes she wondered. She knew she was nowhere near the same size as Gi but she seemed to fit into the outfit as if it was made for her.

“Wow, Chae-young you look great in that costume. I wish I could wear something like that but when you get to my age.” Gi said almost melancholy to Holly

“The outfit you are wearing is lovely but it is not my style,” Holly replied to Gi indicating the chic high-fashion outfit that Gi was wearing.

Holy tried to apologize but Gi wouldn’t let her.

“Shall we continue where we left off?” she asked Holly letting Holly know that she wished to continue their game from before.

Holly feeling a little uncomfortable in the Peace Blossom costume she was now wearing was about to let Gi know that she would like to stop the game, but she did not want to offend her. This was the first of the interviews for her new show and wanted it to go well no matter what she had to do.

“Why not? Where were we?” Holly asked the woman in front of her. As she sat down she noticed that Gi ‘s face looked different from the way it had before Holly and the three young women who made up Peace Blossom went to get their make-up done. Maybe it was just the lighting in the room.

“Why don’t we start from the beginning again that way you can get into your role, Chae-young. What is your full name?” Gi asked her.

“Well, if you ask me that here the answer would be Holly Muk but if you ask me that in Korea it would be Muk Holly” Holly answered without thinking but as soon as the words were out of her mouth, she realised what she had said.

Gi replied with a smile “That must be difficult having more than one name. No matter where I am I am always Gi Marie Glover.” Smoothing down the chic high fashion outfit similar to the ones that Holly normally wore on TV. That Gi was wearing.

Holly sat there with her mouth wide open “That’s not right you can’t be Gi Marie Glover. I am Holly Muk, not you.” She said this time sounding more than a little confused.

“I didn’t say that I was Holly Muk. I said that I was Gi Marie Glover. You are Holly Muk a member of the famous Korean Girl Group Peace Blossom.” Gi told the confused Holly.

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