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6. Interuption

5. Question Time

4. One Blonde to Another

3. A K-Pop story

2. Parallels

1. The Drafting Board

Parallels: Interruption

avatar on 2024-09-16 11:52:09
Episode last modified by Ms-Scarlett-Raven on 2024-09-16 11:52:45

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Holly was enjoying the little game that she and Gi had been playing for the last hour or so. The other members of Peace Blossom had drifted away as they had found it more difficult to follow the questions that Gi had been asking Holly. Their understanding of English was about as good as Holly’s understanding of Korean was. This was the reason she had organized a translator to be ready if needed. She was glad that Gi could speak English like a native. She thought that must be because she had grown up in New Zealand although it appeared to Holly that Gi had a slight Korean accent. She must have picked that up when she moved to Korea to start her music career. Holly was getting ready to answer the next question that Gi was about to ask when the door to the hotel room opened and in walked the girls’ makeup artist who was there to get them ready for a photo-shoot.

“Come on girls’ time to get your makeup done.” She said.

“That’s a shame I was starting to enjoy our game,” Holly told Gi.

Just at that moment the makeup artist came over to the two women and said, “Come on time to get your makeup done young lady.” She was looking directly at Holly when she repeated her earlier statement

Holly looked at Gi with a shocked expression on her face.

“Looks like we can play a different game for the moment. I mean you are dressed as one of them. She just thinks that you are part of the group. Are you part of the group Chae-young?” Gi asked Holly.

Holly looked over at Gi who was still wearing the chic high-fashion outfit that she had borrowed from her. She then turned towards the other three young women of Peace Blossom (apart from Gi) who were wearing the same outfit that she was

“Did you arrange this?” Holly asked Gi.

“No of course not. It is her mistake. She is new to the job.” Gi told Holly.

“I don’t want to get her into trouble but someone will notice,” Holly replied to Gi.

“You won’t get her into trouble. I will let G-Bear know that it was my idea.” The smiling Gi let her know.

“Oh, Holly you are one of us,” The three young women made up Peace Blossom said in unison.

“I am one of you now.” Came the reply from Holly.

Holly looked towards the beckoning Mi-Ok.

The young woman was warmly smiling “Oh, Holly you are one of us”. Come on it's time to get our makeup done” She said.

Holly then turned towards Gi who she was standing in front of her as if to ask her permission.

“You were enjoying our game why not play this one? There is plenty of time for you to make sure that everyone is where they are meant to be before the concert tonight isn’t there. Do you not want to be part of the group Chae-young? You could find out what it is really like to be a member of Peace Blossom and a K-Pop idol.” Gi said to Holly answering the unasked question.

Holly looked down at the outfit that she was still wearing she had gotten so used to wearing it in the short time she had been it did feel like it had been made for her. I could show my viewers a different side to the K-pop scene she thought. The blonde-haired Holly looked towards Mi-Ok who still had her hand outstretched towards her.

“I am one of you now.” She said joining Mi-Ok, Young-Mi, and Sook-Joo as the four of them followed the makeup artist into a small room within the suite of hotel rooms that the band had.

Gi sat in the main room of the suite repeating the phrase she had been saying whenever she got the chance that morning this time a little louder than before

“One Blonde to another.” As the other four women went into the other room

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